Big wall calendar! diaries i forget to check, digital diaries i am even worse with my big calendar on the wall of my kitchen is amazing, helps me be organised at a glance
I also use a combination of both. my phone calendar and a paper one. The paper one also lets my husband know what is going on in the family otherwise he never remembers the appointments when I tell him.
I use the calendar on my mobile phone. Every different event has an emoji, so at a glance I can see what it relates to. Every entry gets an alarm set to it as well, so that it reminds me of upcoming events.
I have both this year, for the first time in years. I was just using my iphone calendar and notes, but recently had a scare with breaking my phone, so am going back to good old paper for most things this year!
I use a combination of both. The digital calendar in my phone is linked to all my outlook accounts and I also use a diary since I can’t take my phone into my workplace. The diary is a useful backup when I’m out and about and/or I can’t get wifi
I do a printed monthly calandar on a4 and I clip it together with a bull dog clip and then blue tack it to the wall in the kitchen and I use that to do meal planning, kids activities, hubby’s appointments, work stuff – general everyday use that has everything in it.
I also use a personal a5 week to a page planner that fits in my handbag which has all the same info as the a4 family on in it so I don’t double up with appointments etc.
Would love to go digital but I am a stationary addict so paper and pens it is
I do both! We have an online family calendar that is my reminder for events. But I have a paper diary calendar that I also use for to do lists in a day as well. Some months i don’t use it but others I do.
I’ve been using my phone calendar, but have a paper diary this year. I will be using a combination of paper and phone this year. Am also looking to start Bullet Journalling.
Paper calendar at our house 🙂
We have one stuck on the fridge. I put everything on it. The kids and my husband know to look on the calendar to see where we are all at.
I don’t usually make solid plans out and about , I just wait until I am home to confirm anything.
This works well for us. 🙂
Just make sure you choose 1 and stick with it, consistency is the key. My husband and I use our phones but have linked google accounts so we share calendars this works for us
A combination of all is great but one was remember to sync all.
On Thurs we had a day of no power (work being carried out in the area on different days by Ausgrid) our wall calendar/planner came in quite handy.
Computer diary… although I’d actually prefer a wall calendar! It’s useless when power is out! and when I’m out and about… but at least I know everything is there!
I use all three, but mostly my paper calendar next to me and in the kitchen and my Close To My Heart planner I am currently having fun personalising. I also use my phone for reminders for my medications.
It’s a personal choice really. My husband is totally his phone for appointments and such, which is useful for information from specialist appointments three or four years back 🙂
I prefer a wall calender for home (we actually have our fridge painted in blackboard paint to use it as a chalk board), and carry a small diary in my bag for when im out and about and transfer to my fridge later
9:16 am
7:47 am
4:02 pm
11:30 pm
10:50 pm
6:46 pm
11:38 pm
9:59 pm
2:01 pm
12:21 pm
8:16 pm
11:06 pm
10:53 pm
3:56 am
12:46 pm
10:17 am
3:28 am
10:13 pm
8:35 pm
9:07 pm
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