
Hi MoM Members! We’re putting together an article on PMDD and Perimenopause for our NEW website (very exciting – more news to come!). We’d love you to share your experiences with PMDD and Perimenopause – and we’ll be randomly gifting some members who reply with BONUS Rewards points!

Perhaps you had PMDD and Perimenopause made it worse.
Maybe you were confused and didn’t know if you were going through Perimenopause or had PMDD.
Or you just want to share what it’s like living with PMDD. How partners can best support those with PMDD.

We want to hear it all!

We’re looking for real experiences to help other women. The answers to this post may be used in an upcoming article.

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  • I am very interested to read people’s experiences on this! This is such an important topic to raise awareness of, both for those going through it, but also for us who have never heard of it and may potentially end up experiencing it as we get older. Women’s health definitely needs more exposure

  • Im very interested to read people’s experiences!

  • I agree with the comments about finding the right medical professionals that listen. It is so important to be heard and to have a clear voice in the management of symptoms. Honest and open discussions with partners is essential too; there are good and bad days with symptoms and knowing how to help and also give space when needed is essential. Treatment is different for everyone and that is ok.

  • A big issue with both PMDD and perimenopause is trying to find the right GP or health provider who knows what they’re talking about and is supportive and helpful. It’s very hard to come by a trustworthy and helpful doctor who does the right blood tests, listens and isn’t dismissive.

  • It is so important to discuss perimenopause at home and at work. It is essential for there to be greater awareness by everyone and for the management of perimenopause to be understood by all. Perimenopause is real and the incredible heat and sweat is next level hideous at times. The heat feels like it is at the core of my body and suddenly erupts and spreads through my entire body like hot lava! The sweat and drip is incredible and I own every possible hand fan, desk fan, bedside fan and other cooling devices and products on the market. I let people know when it is occurring and it is openly discussed. I have been known to stand at the fridge at work with the freezer open and also linger in the dairy and freezer section of supermarkets! The moods also need to be managed and discussed. I let my partner, family, friends and colleagues know how I am feeling and it is not a taboo topic or issue. It is the opposite; tips on management and feelings get shared and there is support.

  • For years,I believed I was failing to control my emotions—rage,exhaustion, & despair every month.Doctors dismissed me,but discovering PMDD changed everything.Now,I track my cycle,advocate for myself, & work on managing symptoms.Most importantly,I remind myself: I am not broken or alone.

  • I have been suffering in silence for months about stepping into the perimenopause stage. It wasn’t until my husband asked what was wrong with me one night as i was sweating and overheating so bad i had turned all the aircon down to subzero temperatures and nearly frozen my household I thought it was best I go get some answers. Thing is all my other friends in my age group aren’t talking about it either. Let’s share the heck out of this stage of life so we don’t have to suffer alone, we can learn and help each other through it all

  • Living with PMDD as a working mum has been one of the toughest challenges I’ve faced. Some days, the mood swings, sadness, and irritability feel overwhelming, and I struggle to hold it together for my kids and my job. It’s hard to explain the depth of the emotions—how one moment I’m fine, and the next, I’m drowning in sadness or frustration over the smallest things. I often feel guilty when my mood affects my family, but I remind myself that I’m doing the best I can. Through it all, I’ve learned the importance of asking for help, practicing self-care, and forgiving myself on the hard days. PMDD is a heavy burden, but it’s also taught me resilience, and I’m learning to take it one day at a time.

  • My periods vanished at 38 while trying for baby number 2. A ovarian huge cyst was found in my flat stomach drained 900ml fluid, then it filled up again got drained. Filled again twisted removal of right ovary happened and periods never returned. Instead hot flushes were extreme especially when stressed learning to drive. I couldn’t wear jumpers or jackets for about 2 years. Now I’m good no hot flushes. Nothing.

  • My doctor put me on HRT as I was having symptoms of perimenopause, which possibly started after I had my daughter when I was 37, Which I didn’t really know. My anxiety was high, bloods showed my levels to be low & bone density was low too. It has helped heaps. I’d recommend it to anyone. My doctor is wonderful though & continues to check my bloods, bone density & I’ve already had breast screening done.
    Why should we suffer through the symptoms?! We don’t have to! Find a female doctor who will support you..

  • I have been suffering from perimenopause from the age of 47 – I also suffered endometriosis and fibrosis I had surgery 3 years ago and had a full hysterectomy- they leave 1 ovary so you don’t develop menopause iin full bloom like a fright train at once but gradually- I’m 53 now and have menopause systems -anxiety waking up- doctor has me on a prescription that I either take 1/2 tablet at morning and night or full tablet at night. It helps with anxiety headaches and helps with slightly with hot flushes – I have a desktop $19 fan I brought from Kmart sitting beside my bed at night.

  • i have pre menopausal now for 1 year, with anxiety, insomnia, bloated like a puffer fish before my period finally comes, I am now on iron tablets due to extra tiredness, kicking sheets of the bed at night too bloody hot
    I’ve had it all.
    My question is when does Menopause start??? I’m 54 years old!!!

  • I have never heard of PMDD and had to read into it. Very interesting. However, I do have the early signs of Perimenopause. I have not longed turned 38 but by 35, I noticed a few changes. I thought it was maybe stress related until recently a family member mentioned that some of my symptoms were of Perimenopause.
    The dryness, the hot flushes, mood changes and the headaches are the common things. It makes me feel hopeless, depressed and a let down as it I don’t feel myself. I know I am not alone as other women suffer the same thing but sadly, my friendship circle, none of them experience what I am going through and say things like “oh your too young to have symptoms”, which affects my confidence to confide in them. Even worse, trying to explain to my Fiancé, who he is supportive but doesn’t understand the concept. I just have to soldier on.

  • I never was diagnosed with PMDD as such. I am 61 now and can’t actually remember when I started perimenopause. I had my kids quite late, so I must have been around 45 years of age when perimenopause hit me. I remember I suddenly had extreme heavy and long periods (like 12 days orso) which was very unusual for me. The hot flashes were very overwhelming and I did feel more irritable. Vaginal dryness became a thing too

  • I have been going through premenopause since I was 40, I am now 43. My entire body has changed, my moods have changed and life is harder. I am on HRT but I feel that only really hits the sides. Going through this at such an early age is hard as it has stopped me from being able to have anymore children. My body feels so different. I still don’t feel I have found the right HRT product however as I have very sensitive skin the patches and cream aren’t suitable. I feel quite over whelmed by the information out there and haven’t found a doctor that I feel really knows a lot about this. This is a very hard stage in life to go through especially when most of my friends are not going through it yet.

  • I don’t know what PMDD stands for. However, I have to say that I have had a relatively easy time with menopause. INsomnia is a problem, but everything else has been very intermittent.

  • I’m 41 and I have started perimenopause. My periods are irregular which makes them very hard to manage. I’ll have light bleeding for a day or 2 then super
    heavy for a whole day then it will abruptly stop. My body temperature gets out of control and I have to have a cold shower. But then I could be taking a hot water bottle with me to bed the following night because I have the chills

  • Hi, never had Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, but due to very low fertility (aka of 2 at 30), perimenopause hit in my late 30s. This was hard because none of my friends were going through it and people would just dismiss me with comments like, you’re too young. I was focused on IVF at this point, so medical conversations were around fertility, not perimenopause. Now I’m in my mid 40s and on the other side of child birth, the perimenopause is back with a bang! It’s different now because I’m the ‘right age’ for people to talk about it!

  • I had an horrific time when hot flushes started with intensity just before I turned 50. My entire body, but particularly my face, would go obviously red and I’d perspire so much drips from my forehead would land on my glasses. Friends at work were supportive and joke “oh here comes another one”. It was multiple times per hour. Winter was just as bad as I would be so hot, the covered in perspiration and freezing. Cardigan on, cardigan off. Bed covers on, bed covers off. Very embarrassing. I tried lots of things, no caffiene, herbal supplements etc etc but in the end I went on HRT and am still on it 12 years later. I have tried a few times to come off it but only last about 5 weeks before they are gradually back and awful. I am due to try again soon. I have no side effects from them and for me it just has to be as it was embarrasing, exhausting and disrupting. Sleeping was interrupted all night

  • I have PMDD and I’m 38. During and after my last 2 pregnancies (5 in total) I found that my PMDD was really horrific. I was so angry postpartum. I’ve never felt so much rage towards everyone and after my outbursts the guilt and the tears would start and I’d beg for forgiveness and try to do better but would inevitably return back to a state of pure anger and irritation. Before my period I have insomnia, rage, hatred and a very short fuse, intertwined with bouts of crying. I try not to go out anywhere around this time of the month and keep to myself as much as possible just to avoid the outbursts. It’s very hard for my family and I don’t think my husband understands. I’ve tried many vitamins to help including vitamin B, DIM and 5htp supplements but nothing has really helped and I don’t want to go on birth control because it messes with my cycle so badly.

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