
I have been researching hot flushes and feeling irritated all the time, not sleeping well etc. I am on HRT and likely need to go back and speak with my doctor but I wondered if anyone has taken any herbal products they swear by that I could do some research on. I feel overwhelmed when I starting googling and would love some honest feedback on products you may have tried.

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  • I will admit that I am very cynical about herbal products and don’t think they really work. That said, menopause is so under researched – and often seems to vary by person to person – that who knows, there may be something that does work. All you can do is try – good luck with recommendations.

  • I thought I was peri menopausal but after going to be doctor I found that I was deficient in iron and vitamin D. Taking supplements for this made a huge difference to my mood and irritability.

  • It is a good idea to follow up with a GP for advice and strategies. I get plenty of exercise and outdoor time to assist with feeling good. Exercise and being outdoors releases feel good endorphins which is so important for improving mood and good for overall health and wellbeing.

  • I have not found any products that work for me but have reached out to friends and family for ideas. I tend to have lots and lots of fans everywhere! I do have cooling cloths and I am particular about the clothes that I wear; making sure they are light and breathe.

  • I had extreme hot flushes and tried many things but I have had to stick with HRT as it is all that worked for me. Just today, on the radio in the car, I heard a discussion about funding to women’s health and HRT. They were talking about the bad rap HRT had in the past but they were very old 2001 studies that have since been shown as inaccurate.

  • Health shops sell a variety of products to treat menopause symptoms. But they’re not tested and regulated in the same way as medicines such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), so it’s not known how safe and effective they are.
    It’s a good idea to ask a GP or pharmacist for advice if you’re thinking about using a complementary therapy.
    Herbal remedies that are sometimes taken for menopause symptoms include:
    evening primrose oil
    black cohosh
    St John’s wort
    red clover
    Herbal remedies such as red clover contain plant hormones that can act in a similar way to oestrogen, while black cohosh is believed to balance oestrogen and progestogen levels. These may help with some menopause symptoms but this is not supported by scientific evidence.
    Even when there is some supporting evidence, there’s uncertainty about the right doses to use and whether the health benefits last.
    Some of these remedies (especially St John’s wort) may also cause serious side effects if they’re taken with other medicines.
    These products are often marketed as “natural”, but this does not necessarily mean they’re safe. The quality, purity and ingredients cannot always be guaranteed, and they may cause unpleasant side effects.

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