
I have met several people who decided to have another child to try and improve their relationship. Have you done this and did it work or what are your thoughts?

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  • It is absolutely disgusting. It is using a child as an accessory. Everyone l have known who have done this broke up, and the child ended very messed up.

  • We havent done that, but i personally don’t think it would help. Having a baby is stressful enough, add the fact that your relationship is in trouble, i don’t think it makes a good combination.

  • No we haven’t done that and personally I think that’s never a good motivation to choose for a baby.

  • I don’t think it’s ever okay to have a baby to improve a relationship. Not only is it unfair on the child but it is unfair on the relationship as well.

  • Not a solution to a problem relationship. Babies are lots of work and you need a supportive partner to help. It would be very unfair to the child

  • Just don’t do it. Don’t ever look at someone elses relationship and think “it worked for them, maybe it’ll work for me too”. What you don’t see is what happens behind closed doors. They could be estranged behind closed doors or worse. Maybe behind the scenes, they finally worked out their problems and a baby just happened to coincide with the timing.
    If you have thought about doing this, talk to your partner, get counselling if needed, or just end it. A baby should not be brought into this world with fractured parents. You need to work together to raise a baby, even if you are baby Daddy aren’t together, you still need to have a amicable relationship.

  • The simple answer is, don’t do it. A new baby will not fix your relationship. Babies are a strain on a good relationship, so bringing one in to save a troubled relationship is just not going to work.
    It’s also not fair on the child to bring them into the world for such a selfish reason, have a baby because you want one, not to save a relationship.

  • I wouldn’t recommend it. Having a baby is a lot of work and you need to be on the same page and working as a team.

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