
As a busy working mother I would love some easy recipes that freeze well to be able to use to defrost and reheat on those busy nights.

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  • Stirfrys are good for freezing if you don’t overcook the veggies before freezing (otherwise they’ll go mushy during the reheating process).
    Making garlic bread and freezing to serve with soups (homemade or store bought)
    Chow mein – can add heaps of veg and serve on rice (rice cookers are quick and easy)
    Spag bol

  • Bolognaise sauce, most soups, lasagne, pizza base dough, nann bread dough, pita wraps! I’m jumping on the freezer bandwagon… So much easier to pull stuff out of the freezer after. Along day than stand around cooking when all the tin lids are requiring your attention. Best advice is to make double at the same time, freeze 1/2!

  • Lasagne freezes well. Alsoncook in bulk, cool, slice into individual portions, wrap and freeze. Make up a few different lasagnes – traditional, roast vegetable, pumpkin lentil and ricotta… lots of combination options

  • Mince meat for pasta, rice and chicken soup, pumpkin soup, brocoli soup.

  • I often make big batches or soup – chicken & veg, pumpkin…. Anything. Also quiches/flans freeze well.

  • Another thing you can freeze well is dough, unbaked. And pulses. You can cook a large batch and then freeze them.

  • Macaroni and Cheese freezes well. Quiche does too. I like to do big batches when I cook so there’s plenty for the freezer. Other dishes that freeze well are curries and soups.

  • I always cook extra stews, soup and mornay and freeze the surplus in airtight containers. When I reheat the mornay after I thaw it I add some milk to it and stir it well to mix it through.

  • Pasta sauce and soups or minestrones keep well in the freezer

  • I think vegetable curry works well.

  • Make a large batch of mince in a sauce for spaghetti is always handy!

  • I am a HUGE freezer fan – I cook everything in big batches, eat some then and freeze the rest for another busy night. I freeze soups, lasagnes and Bolognese sauce (mine are always vegie laden to make it healthier as well as to go further), cooked rice, curries, sausage rolls, quiches, savoury mince – pretty much everything! Just separate it out into ‘meal size’ containers so you’re not defrosting a large batch if you’re only needing a small amount. A favourite is a slow cooked lamb, carved and put into gravy. It can be defrosted and used as a main meal, or in rolls for a tasty weekend lunch. Enjoy :)

  • You can easily prepare cakes, muffins (savoury and sweet), lasagne… You could freeze cooked rice and quinoa in small packages. Soups freeze very well too, pasta sauces, stews, meatballs..

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