
“My 2 month old has been on karicare HA for about 4 weeks he was doing great on it then he started having runny green poos and he started having mild reflux and this all started after about 3 days after having his first lot of vaccinations I changed him to karicare AR he seemed to be settling well on it but after day 4 of being on it he is now pooping after every feed and he seems to be in pain when he poos like his poo is burning him. Not sure what to do. Has anyone had anything similar reflux and digestion issues with formula.”

Posted by Tracey, 26/03/13

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  • Hugs.
    DD who is now almost 3 years old had issues on the Nan brand HA gold. Digestion issues arose and then change in formula…we later found out she was lactose and gluten intolerant..so still has few issues with digestion. Good luck

  • take to your health care nurse this doesn’t seem right.

  • Hope you found a suitable formula.

  • I hope you found a suitable formular for your child

  • I would seek advice from your GP or child health nurse,

  • It could be lactose intolerance, there are some good brands of formula out there specifically for lactose intolerance.

  • What did you end up doing with your baby?

  • If you are worried consult your doctor

  • I hope bubs doing a lot better now

  • I’d definitely consult a doctor of bubs health nurse on this one. Seems a little strange it started happening after his vaccinations, I’d be suspicious of that.

  • Never had that from formula? Could it b reaction to vaccinations?

  • Hope that information helps and good luck 🙂

  • Acid reflux, a regurgitation of stomach contents, is a common problem in infants—especially those who are three months or younger. The usual cause is a weak and or under-developed lower esophageal sphincter (the muscle between the stomach and the esophagus) that allows stomach contents to flow back into the esophagus. Reflux can also result from a hiatal hernia or food allergies.

    A normal, healthy infant who experiences acid reflux may spit up after feedings, but usually isn’t irritable and won’t experience reflux after reaching 12 months of age. However, in some infants, acid reflux can be severe.

    Signs of a severe reflux problem in infants include:
    •crying and irritability
    •poor weight gain or refusal to eat
    •stools that are bloody or look like coffee grounds
    •wheezing or hoarseness
    •apnea (absence of breathing) and bradycardia (slow heart beat)

    According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, less than one percent of infants have severe symptoms of acid reflux. When they do, immediate care is required.


    If your baby has occasional or severe acid reflux, your pediatrician may request a change in the way you feed them. As the reasons for acid reflux vary, so do the treatments.

    Mild Acid Reflux

    Your pediatrician may recommend adding one to two teaspoons of rice cereal to the formula to thicken it if your infant has mild, recurring bouts of acid reflux. This makes the contents of the stomach stay down because it’s heavier and not as easy to regurgitate. However, research has shown that while this helps reduce the amount of vomiting, it doesn’t resolve the occurrence of gastrointestinal reflux.

    Also, adding rice cereal to formula before an infant is four months old can lead to food allergies or other complications, such as overfeeding or choking. Don’t add cereal to your infant’s formula unless directed by your pediatrician.

    Severe Acid Reflux

    For severe acid reflux, your pediatrician may recommend a change in formula. Most infant formulas are made from cow’s milk and are fortified with iron. Some infants’ severe acid reflux is due to food allergies, making alternative options necessary.

    Hydrolyzed Protein Formulas

    Hydrolyzed formulas are made from cow’s milk with ingredients that are easily broken down for easy digestion. These formulas are the most effective in reducing acid reflux and are often recommended for infants with food allergies. If food allergies are suspected, your pediatrician may have you try this type of formula for a two to four week trial.

    Soy Milk Formulas

    Soy milk formulas contain no cows’ milk. They’re recommended for infants with lactose intolerance or galactosemia, a condition in which the infant is unable to break down the two sugars found in milk. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, soy formulas should only be used for lactose intolerant infants or those with galactosemia, as the nutrients in soy are more difficult to break down and absorb.

    Specialized Formulas

    Specialized formulas are created for infants with diseases or special conditions, such as premature birth. Check with your pediatrician about the formula that your infant should be taking if they have a special medical condition.

    Other Recommendations

    It’s a good idea to keep these recommendations in mind during feeding, no matter the cause of acid reflux. For example:
    •Burp your baby more often (usually after one to two ounces of formula).
    •Avoid overfeeding.
    •Feed your infant smaller portions more frequently.
    •Keep your baby in an upright position after feeding.
    •Don’t jostle the baby after feeding, as this can cause the stomach contents to reflux.
    •Wait 30 minutes after feeding before putting the infant to sleep, as positioning can affect reflux symptoms.

  • Lactose could be the problem here. My son had mild lactose problems so I used a formula called Enfalac which the GP recommended, it was fine for him 🙂

  • Our little girl had similar problems we have since put her on S26 Gold Comfort which is easier to digest as its protein source is 100% whey partially hydrolysed from cows milk and has specially treated vegetable oil to help soften babies stools. We have found it has given us a completely different baby she has been on it for 5 weeks and is very happy. If you are still having no luck maybe give this one a go its only fairly new so not sold everywhere and mainly in chemists 🙂

  • Lactose may be the problem try a lactose free one

  • we had the same with ours. My milk lasted all of about 6 weeks and I had to change her to formula. I bought the same one that I had used for my other 2 and she didn’t take to it. It made her sick. The doc then told me to put her on lactose free formula. Worked a treat

  • We have had very similar issues with our bub. We started her on the Nan HA+ and she was doing well until about 2 weeks of age when she started screaming after feeds and just wouldn’t settle. She was diagnosed with silent reflux and we were told to put her on Karicare Aptimal Allerpro. We put her on this and it smelt horrible and made it ten times worse! She started vomiting and refused to eat. We switched back the Nan and she began medication (doctor prescribed). We also put her on the Nan AR (thickened fluid) – however this caused constipation issues. Now she has to have some water (alone ina bottle) and coloxyl drops to settle the constibation, however her reflux is control.
    It is often trial and error with formula for bubs – talk to your doctor.
    There are other tips and tricks for reflux issues i.e. elevate the bassinet, thicken the fluids (with gaviscon or thickened formula) make sure you keep bub up right after feeds etc.


  • You may need to make sure that bubs isn’t lactose intolerant. As you will need to go onto a special formula that is lactose free.

  • I would suggest that you change to another formula until you find one that suits.

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