
It’s my daughter’s sixth birthday coming up in one week. She has been looking forward to her party since her last birthday and has helped me organise her party. She is inviting the whole class plus some family members and we’ve booked a hall with an entertainer. I’ve already ordered the cake, got the decorations and party food ingredients. But with all this Coronavirus fear, I just don’t know if we should still go ahead? My daughter will be absolutely gutted if we have to postpone and I’m not sure if I will get any refunds on cancelling/postponing so close to the event. But I’m not sure if it’s irresponsible to continue. Or if we do, she’ll be so upset if her friends don’t come because parents are afraid. What should I do?

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  • I wonder if this poster managed to slip the party in before all the lock downs.

  • So many events have been cancelled or postponed due to covid. It is really hard – hopefully now things have settled a bit, you can have parties, and other normal social activities. Perhaps you could make the next one extra special.

  • It’s definitely hard.
    How many people have RSVP’d? If there are quite a few willing to turn up then I think you should go ahead in case you don’t get your money back.

  • I had to cancel my sons 7th had a voucher for a play centre and cake now may have to give it to someone as they are not accepting or issuing refunds

  • Yes it’s better to be safe

  • It sure is disappointing. How did your daughter cope ?
    I wouldn’t cancel but postpone ! Once this is all over you could throw a big party.

  • We has my daughter’s party on the 15 March and after that every other party got cancelled, including my son’s. She was lucky hers wasn’t a week later otherwise we would have had to cancel it. It’s sad that they will miss parties but it is our life at least for now. They will certainly enjoy the time they get to spend with their friends once this is over.

  • Hi there,

    I think given the circumstances you need to cancel, if you go ahead I think most people would not turn up given the social distancing and it will be hard to keep these measures in place. I am sure if you give enough notice for the cake etc they will understand and can make the cake at a later date.

  • Yes – I’m sorry, but I don’t think you have a choice now. Cancel or postpone.

  • Absolutely. Other people may feel uncomfortable too and it would be heartbreaking if no one turned up

  • We’ve had to change our plans, but it’s worth it to get over this crisis sooner.

  • You will have to cancel. Just watched Scott Morrison guidelines. Perhaps you can do something special together at home.

  • My daughter’s birthday is in a few days, I was going to give her a party but decided not to. It’s also my son’s birthday next week and he probably won’t even be at kindy to celebrate it either. Best to be safe then sorry.

  • Things have changed so quickly over the past couple of weeks. I don’t think huge gatherings at the moment are a good idea or even permitted.

  • I’ve had to cancel my 50th birthday celebrations and my oldest daughters 15th birthday and my youngest son’s 10th birthday celebrations. I want to keep everyone safe, not just my family but any other people (yes, even strangers) safe.

  • I would cancel it and maybe try for a later date. My sons bday is easter weekend and it’s ust going to be us at home now.

  • Such a tricky one. I would looking at postponing it to a much later date if possible and maybe just having a few close friends for an afternoon tea or something at a park. So many people are super worried at the moment and wouldn’t let their kids go – which is understandable – but then disappointing for your daughter if she’s expecting lots of friends and only has a couple turn up

  • As long as it is under 100 people you should be ok for now.

  • I would cancel not only to protect yourselves but others as well. Its the right thing to do.

  • Yes, you should definitely discuss with both the parents and your daughter – a difficult situation indeed!

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