
My girls now 4 and 6 have grown up avoiding whole nuts, peanut and peanut butter in particular. When they were younger they had swelling near the eyes and mouth in couple of incidents where small amount of nuts was consumed. The peanut butter case was not even eaten but traces of it on a face cloth. I want them to try but they are avoiding nuts themselves too. So not sure What is best

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  • Have the test done, its the safest way. My neice had a hair test done because she reacted so badly to dairy and we found out she had quite a few allergies, not just dairy. The information you get from being tested is priceless

  • I’d put a small amount on their arm and watch for a reaction. If you’re that concerned you could drive to a hospital and do it in the car park. People often outgrow these allergies but of course you should get them to see a professional if you want to know for sure

  • Absolutely have it managed professionally

  • I would definitely look into getting testing done

  • I’m getting my nine month old tested. She broke into hives when I touched her after eating cashews.

  • I would seek medical advice on this. It is life threatening and doctors can check without the risk.

  • Yes I would I did and it was positive

  • Not a bad idea, so many young children now have peanut allergies.

  • You can try putting a bit of peanut butter on her leg. Then wipe off and see if any reaction. That’s what I did with my little one

  • This is such a potentially serious problem that I’d get advice from a doctor.

  • A discussion with your GP might also be a good starting point?

  • Professional testing and allergy management protocols are needed if there is an allergy. If in any doubt or concerned it might be a good idea to get testing done.

  • As there is a possible history – I would say a definite ‘yes’. It will reassure both you and them having this information 🙂

  • If you’re concerned then yes. Or try it when you are at the gp for peace of mind

  • Yes I would take them to see what allergies if any they have so it gives you peace of mind.

  • I think it might be a good idea to have your kids tested for peace of mind.

  • You need a proper allergy test to know if they are truly allergic or not. They may need an Epipen?

  • if they reacted that bad a while ago, I would seriously consider getting them tested. It’ll be safer in the long run

  • If your child does have a possible nut allergy they will need a blood test.

  • I think it would be good to do tests as when they go to school it would be communicate nuts should be avoided by peers as well and have the gp/specialist write a management plan.

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