
I recently found a cleaning tip to use a dish-matic sponge wand filled with shower cleaner to scrub the glass and clean one wall at a time when in the shower so you don’t have to do big deep cleans often. It’s a game changer for me. Being time poor with a baby in the house has really made me need to assess how I can clean effectively. I was wondering if anyone else has great cleaning tips that save them time and sanity.

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  • Thank you all for sharing – I hate cleaning the bathroom so am always looking for tips to make it easier

  • I found using a steam cleaner is easy and fuss free. You will never have any chemical residue left over because you don’t need to use any chemicals – which is great when you have a baby to think of.

  • Squidgying the shower screens after every shower (we do wall/floor tiles too) which keeps everything so clean. So when we do our shower cleans, it is so easy and simple. We also try to only use shower gel as opposed to soap (apart from Dove) which reduces soap scum on the glass.
    I like the idea too of having a cleaning caddy (I need to get one).
    I also use Koh universal cleaner which reduces the need to have lots of products.

  • I’ve been using a dish matic with washing up liquid and white vinegar in the handle. Works a treat. Clean all over then rinse off with the shower head after.

  • Love this.. I’m keen to read some other ideas too as I don’t think I am a smart cleaner

  • 1. Caddy to carry everything around with you to knock it over quickly rather than going backwards and forwards to the cleaning cupboard.
    2. Everytime I leave a room – if there is any clutter I take it with me to drop off to its correct spot on the way. If I’m already going that way, why not knock over a job whilst I am at it.
    3. Dishmatic fillable sponge stick in the bathroom/shower to grab and do a quick scrub if I have time in the shower (e.g. like nights I don’t wash my hair etc).

  • I love all these great tips. Using the dish-matic sponge wand in the shower is such a clever idea, I’m definitely going to try that. One thing I find helpful is keeping a little cleaning caddy under the sink with all the essentials. That way, I can quickly grab it and tackle a room whenever I have a few spare minutes.

  • I love this idea! Thank you, I’m going to give it a try.

  • I grew up with the window squidgy trick, I hated it at the time but now I totally understand my mum’s reasoning haha. And I should try to keep in mind future me, she’ll appreciate the few minutes of effort.

  • Oh some of these tips are very handy! I once read if it takes you less then five minutes to just do it because your future self will thank you. It’s not always that simple but has definitely shifted my perspective at times.

  • Mine is similar but it’s a window squidgy used in the shower while I’m showering. Keeps soap scum to a minimum

  • I’ve just come for the comments… although in my case I do find a friend messaging to say they will be over in 15 minutes tends to get me into action pretty quickly. It’s surprising how much you can actually do in 15 minutes. So maybe set a timer and just go for it ????

  • I find that using my waiting time is quite helpful – eg if waiting for the kettle to boil, put away some clean dishes, wipe a bench, that sort of thing. It’s surprising how often you have three or four minutes, and what you can get done.

  • Amen!!! I love cleaning the shower when I’m in it, saves so much time ????

  • Thanks for sharing your tip! That’s a good one!!

  • ‘If you can put it down you can put it away’ is an excellent way of thinking. My dining table does tend to be a place holder for the miscellaneous.

  • There are lots of handy hacks and tips for making cleaning easier; I am a fan of making cleaning quick and easy.

  • I loosely follow ‘The Organised Mum’ method (ToM), they even have an app. Essentially it’s about setting a timer and doing 20 minutes a day on a core clean then focus on one room a week to really clean it properly. I don’t follow it strictly but I find it helps and means I get something done each day rather than try to face hours of cleaning all at once. I also try to go by ‘if you can put it down you can put it away’ so I make that little extra effort to not have things lying around.

  • I have to bother with the shower. We still currently rent and I don’t want to be bleaching 3 months of soap scum just before an inspection. I can appreciate the sentiment, but I shower once he’s (finally) down for the night.

  • Thanks for the top tip. I will use it as I’ve 2 little ‘uns.
    I do 1 area in the bathroom every day. Toilet, vanity, bath. The bath usually gets done right before bath time.

    Also, I bought a robot vaccuum mop. Couldn’t recommend it enough. Saves so much time making it worth the price.

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