
Hi! I’m starting my baby on solids and want to know some easy recipes to make for her! As in 2-3 ingredients! Thanks!

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  • I followed baby lead weaning. It was brilliant.

  • I used to make semolina oudding as its supposed to be high energy. Just roast semolina a bit till it turns brownisb and has a noce aroma. Mix it with water to make a runny paste.

  • You have lots of healthy options to start feeding a 6 months old. It is exciting for parents and every parents wants to provide the best nutrition apart from the breast or formula milk. First look at the signs if your baby is ready to start on the solid food. Some babies may still not be ready, so give them time as every baby is different. Second things, follow a three day rule and one ingredient at a time to check on the food allergy, if any from the specific food. You can then start mixing different foods. Pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, apple, banana purees and lentils are great to start with. Easy to make and great source of nutrition. You have many credible websites which helps you with different recipes month wise for your little one:) All the very best for this transition and happy parenting:)

  • Just mix one ingredient with a little bit of breastmilk or formula. For example mashed peas or mashed carrots.

  • start off basic with 1 ingredient at a time then start to mix. My girls would like sweet potato then could move on to add blended corn, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini. For breakfast we would do weetbix with mashed banana or apple puree mixed through.

  • We started off with one thing at a time. Banana first then carrot them apple and the like as this is egad the community nurse suggested doing otherwise if you mix too many ingredients together and bub has a reaction to one you won’t know which thing it was.

  • Solid Starts is a great website to reference for foods and how to give them to babies. I love the website and reference it regularly. I would encourage you to try to make sure you have an iron rich food with each meal since babies start to lose their iron stores around 6 months. There’s interesting info on how much extra iron you need to include if you’re breastfeeding versus formula. We are mostly vegan, so my daughter gets lots of legumes (particularly chickpeas and lentils since they’re so high in iron), oatmeal, amaranth porridge, etc. I also make sure to pair it with something high in vitamin C (usually a vegetable) to also increase absorption.

  • anything pureed and mixed with rice cereal is a great start

  • My LO has just started solids and loves rice cereal, banana and blueberry all mushed up. Using breast milk or formula to make a bit smoother.
    Also banana, prune and oats ????

  • Purees of two fruits plus one veg (or two veg plus one fruit) are good starting options. And you can make them lumpier as your child gets more used to them.

  • I started with semolina porridge and then the orange veg. Pumpkin, butternut, carrot, skinless zucchini.One at a time to check for allergies.

  • We just pureed one or two of the vegetables that we were having at dinner to start with, rather than making baby different foods. That gave him a good range of different foods to try and he gets used to the diet that the rest of the family eats.

  • We’ve started by introducing one food item at a time so that if she had a reaction we can be more aware of what’s causing it. After having that food a few times I have then started mixing them together.
    Think plain and simple for starters.

  • We always started our littles off on single solids like puree apple or just pumpkin. We then moved to mixing foods. This was more so to ensure there were no reactions to foods. Made it easy to eliminate if they had any reactions. Then we started to introduce textures such as oats or risoni in foods.

    Always feed what you are comfortable with though. We read in to the baby led weaning but were just not comfortable and stuck with puree to start.

  • I started with some simple purées (made in the Thermomix – but easy to do on the stove by steaming) of pumpkin, carrot and cauliflower. I did all three separately and then combined to make different flavours. Start small and then increase each week. Once bub is used to the texture of the purées, you can also poach some chicken and chop finely and add to the above too. I love steaming broccoli and giving large florets (minus the stalk) to my 7 month old to munch on, as part of BLW. I also make sure I given at least one allergen every few days (eggs, bread, peanut butter – separately) but you need to do it each week, not as a once off. Good luck and just embrace the mess!!

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