
My two year old son is making it almost impossible to put him in his pram when we’re out and about. I think it’s a nightmare to have him roaming free at the shops, but am finding that it is not worth the initial battle to get him to sit in his stroller. What age did your kids stop being “pushed around?”

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  • I still use a stroller at times for my 9yr old with Down syndrome who has muscle low tone and lacks endurance

  • around 2. those harness were not fun either

  • I still use the pram for my 4 and 1 year old. However, separately, they are both able to use the stroller. Probably when my oldest was 3 we graduated to the stroller. The pram is easier to store stuff underneath.

  • Definitely 3 years old as 2 is still to young as they get tired easy and then they start to cry and play up

  • When my kids were able to walk and listen to me properly (ie, not run off) then they stopped using the pram. My first was super lazy and she used the pram til she was 3 but my second was only 2 before I was happy to let her walk and hold my hand (she was a bit of a runner at first) I think it depends on the child to be honest.

  • I had to do the same thing as I didnt have a pram that would take him and his younger brother. It was harder but I learnt to do to it most of the time and if possible left him at home with his dad.

  • I let my 17 month old walk in the shops but she has to hold my hand. It is either that or sit in the stroller/trolley. Just choose your battle, for shorter stops it might be better to let him walk but for longer shopping trips it might be worth the inital battle

  • My son is nearly 3 and still goes in the stroller for long walks so I can get exercise. Other than that he mostly walks holding my hand or goes in the trolley seat at the supermarket. Try having something “fun” for him when you want to get him into the pram – I find if I give my son a toy he hasn’t seen for a while, or a book etc he will get in more happily and once we are moving he’s fine.

  • mine were at different ages but when they start walking so I would take the stroller usually with my bag in it kids had to hold the stroller or my dress or help me push than you can put them in the trolley fold the stroller up and hang it from the trolley put them in the main of the trolley if they did not want the seat

  • My little one started to reject his pram at 13 months….when he became Mr Independent & could walk by himself! I always leave it in the car when we go shopping, but he tends to like the shopping trolley more now!

  • Just remember with motherhood that there are no set rules. You do what works for you.

    A girlfriend of mine had problems with her son (Im going back 15 years here) and he would refuse to sit in the stroller so she gave up but then it was a nightmare because he would breakfree from her and put himself at risk such as running out into traffic. She ended up getting a set of the toddler reins and then she was tormented by all the disgusted looks she received from people. Strangers would make rude comments and such. Kind of odd really when you think you did this to save her son from being hit by a car. He really was a nightmare and for her the reins were truly a lifesaving thing but it seems the general public felt she should have just continued to run the risk of him being hit by a car.

    You do what suits you and your situation.

  • About three and i kept the stroller a little longer up to four if we went somewhere that involved a lot of walking. View other mums down the shops, it gives you a good idea.

  • I was always one of those people who said I would never put my child on a “leash” but when my 2yr old wanted to be miss independant, I decided to try the animal backpack where you hold onto the tail, from toys r us & it was fantastic, I was lucky to have a child that didn’t run away, but it was peace of mind that if she let go of my hand, she would not go too far.

  • Try Backpack reins for toddlers. I bought ours from David Jones and good baby stores. You still have control on how far the child can roam. This teaches the child to stay with you and not to run about. You must tell the child what is expected and keep a tight rein on the matter especially in car parks.

  • My youngest is 26 months and I haven’t drawn a definite line. He makes a similar kind of fuss so it just depends if it’s going to be worthwhile getting the stroller out and putting him in. If we are only going in for a short while I just suck it up and let him walk but if it’s a long trip I put him in. Also if we are somewhere with trolleys I always use the trolley now. I can put both my toddlers in a trolley without too much fuss so that’s my preferred option.

  • So far, about 2 years, but that’s partly because that’s accidentally the age Between all my kids. Last baby might use it for longer…

  • mine stop at around 1 1/2 and they sit in the trolley or hold mine or their siblings hands

  • I don’t drive so my 3 used it up until 4, only if they were tired, stroller that is

  • from the time my daughter could walk she hated the pram. i just bought a cheap stroller for the times we would be walking around heaps and when she got tired of walking i could put her in the stroller

  • It depended on the length of the trip. My son could basically walk to the shops and back (albeit slowly) at around 2 years old (when my daughter was born), but a day at the Easter Show required a pram until he was nearly 4. My advice? Give it a try – you can always reintroduce it if you find he’s not ready yet.

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