
Does anyone have any pro tips to stop teeth clenching and grinding? Always finding myself clenching during the day and getting so many headaches. Dentist has does a night plate but seems to be doing more bad then good ????

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  • I don’t grind my teeth (or clench my jaw) during the day but do at night and I have found a mouth guard for night really good. It took some time to get used to but I can’t sleep without it now. Not sure what you could do for the day though

  • My husband has this issue and uses a mouth guard at night as well

  • I suffer with this problem and have a mouthguard that I am meant to sleep with at night but I hate it. I get physio to help relax my jaw. I feel like mine is also directly related to stress and anxiety, so if that applies to you, perhaps try alleviating some stressors and ensuring you get enough sleep.

  • Perhaps therapy – CBT – though I’ve forgotten what that stands for, it’s supposed to help you change subconscious behaviours.

  • My partner and daughter are both teeth grinders. I’ll be studying these answers to see if I can find something to help them

  • I tend to have gum during the day. night guard for sleep

  • Supplementing magnesium and taking magnesium flake baths may possibly help. They are better than epsom salts baths. Apparently some people do it due to magnesium deficiency? Stress can reduce magnesium in the body if you have been feeling stressed.

  • I definitely agree with lost of the comments regarding stress. We tend to hold stress and even some traumas in our jaw. However, if you are also looking for something to give you immediate relief, I came across this product called Jawzrsize and it helps me with grinding soooo much! It actually creates a gap between my top and bottom teeth, it\’s honestly awesome.

  • iif you are doing this when you are stress then definitely seek advise for that then this would help you with the issue

  • I was the same til I was able to work out why I did. Try and be aware when you can if what might be triggering you to do it. My night time settled down once the day time was sorted.

  • I had to go to my gp and get medication. The damage to my teeth was getting out of hand and I couldn’t destress on my own

  • I’d be looking at what is stressing you and aiming at relaxing exercises before bed.

  • Maybe look at relaxation techniques. The local library may have resources in this area.

  • Possibly look at triggers and research ways to avoid them and relieve them.

  • Consider stress-reducing techniques like meditation or yoga to alleviate overall tension. Be mindful of jaw posture and consciously relax your jaw throughout the day. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, as they may contribute to teeth grinding. Consult with your dentist to explore alternative solutions or adjustments to your night plate.

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