
We’ve just moved into a split level home and are looking to purchase our first robovac! We would ideally like a mop and vacuum function. There are so many to choose from and we can’t afford to spend lots for a dud! Please share your wisdom!

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  • I have an OLD Roomba. In terms of quality it has stood the test of time and still works. I’ve heard really good things about roboroc. I’m due for a new one and have also looked at the new Eufy ones

  • We found Trifo to be the most affordable and efficient unfortunately it doesn’t have a mop feature I was fortunate enuf to find one on market place for $50 but new they are $195. So not braking the bank

  • Will watch the comment with interest as we do not have one.

  • can’t tell you as I have never owned one and would never be able to afford one. Hope you find what you need though.

  • I’ve never had one, so can’t really advise

  • We are thinking of getting one too so I’ll be following the replies.

  • I would love a Robovac too! It would be a lifesaver. I have heard the one from Aldi is really good.

  • i haven’t got one yet but it has been something I have considered for some time but haven’t had the time to research any yet. Following this post for some helpful tips

  • I’m in the same position. I’ve had my eye on them for a while and just can’t lock one in. Last Amazon prime day I was tempted, they had some good deals and many had strong reviews. You could have a look now and hold off for the next sale if one looks good for you.

  • Would definitely try and get the Aldi ECOVAC this Sat!

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