
What do people think about double bunks? I have two of my kids in the same room and there’s not enough space for two beds.

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  • I think they’re very practical. My 15yr old son still has one and when a friend comes over for a sleepover, the bed is always ready.

  • bunks are great once the kids are old enough to understand they can be hurt if they are silly on them. I believe there is actually and age restriction with them of 6 years and up. We have two sets of them, the first set is being used as two singles and the second set is yet to be built but has a trundle bed and heaps of storage and steps not a ladder. Our boys are no where near ready for them but I am busting for them to be wise enough for us to put them up!

  • If there’s not enough room then I guess they’re okay but I think they lend themselves to more injuries and there’s also the problem of making the bed and changing the sheets on the top bunk.

  • My friend has bought one as there was no room for 2 beds. The only thing she complained about was whoever sleeps on the bottom bed hits himself on the head from the one above. Also make sure the ladder is not too high if kids are still small .

  • It depends on the age of the children.
    My parents got bunk beds for my sister & I when we were 8 & 6, personally I think that was to young.
    We had the bunks that could also convert to single beds & we had them for over 15 years!
    The safety rail is an absolute must. I was (still am) a very restless sleeper & moved around a lot so I am sure that rail saved my life many times!
    I also quite often used the end of the bed to climb up & not the ladder, we would drag my sister’s mattress onto the ground n jump from the top bunk onto it, thankfully we never had an injury! Kids are going to be kids & be adventurous. There are so many options for safer bunks these days & they are great for saving on space.
    Make sure you educate your children on safety with the bunks as well.

  • I suggesting having the ladder at the end not at the side, and have sides high enough above the mattress that cannot be fallen over. I know it makes it difficult to make but you don’t want a child to injure him/herself. I suggest buying bunk beds that can be converted back to single beds.

  • Love bunks! They are such a great way to use a small space – just pop the older child on top and make sure there is a good safety rail.

  • Love them!
    Just a pain to change the sheets particularly on the top bunk. But we have them in my sons room allowing for a spare bed when friends sleep over and my daughter has a loft bed to allow for a fun little desk and hang out space underneath.

  • Bunk beds are fantastic. Kids love them and they get sick of one they can swap ti the other its great

  • Ikea have a smaller bunk bed called Kura. It can be used as a canopy bed or a loft bed too.

  • Bunk beds are good; just ensure they meet Australian safety standards.

  • My 6 and 3 yr old have just got a set of bunks recently as we moved and their room is tiny. I had a good talk with them about what can happen if they play on them and fall of etc. Its been a couple of months now and have had no accidents.

  • great answers and i can see that safety is a big priority
    these are great tips, mums! thank you!

  • Great in smaller spaces, plenty come with safety items and instruct children to be responsible – they are not a toy.

  • I had a bunk bed growing up with sibling and never has a problem!

  • I personally would not as a good friend of mine had bunks & her 7 year old broke his neck

  • You will have a hard time finding a double over double in Australia. Esp Melbourne.
    Not sure why. But it’s near impossible.
    My son has a double with a single on top. I love it. He loves it.
    The top bunk basically gets used for sleepovers.
    My daughter has a loft bed.
    The only downfall… Is making the beds. Can be quite hard tucking in sheets.

  • we have 2 bunk beds in one room, my daughter aged 5 sleeps on the top bunk along with her teddies on the other top bunk and my 2 aged 2 year old daughters sleep on the bottom ones

  • I personally do not like them I know they save a lot of room but how safe are they really

  • I had a bunk bed when i was younger i shared a room with my sister and loved it.
    The only downside i would say is the making and changing of the bed sheets but you learn to deal with it.
    i think they are a great idea and save on space if its a small room like you say it is.

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