
Hi. My nails are really weak and so I was wondering if anyone had any tips to get stronger nails. Thanks

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  • I have weak nails because they’re always in water so wearing gloves while washing, try keeping your hands out of the tub when having long baths etc.
    You can also take hair, skin and nails supplements.

  • Weak nails often has to do with a nutrient deficiency, you may want to visit a naturopath when it’s an ongoing problem.

  • I bought the Sally Hansen nail hardener from Priceline and it did help

  • Use Revitanail you can get from a chemist,it works!

  • you can paint them and file them regularly

  • Revitanail Nail Strengthener actually works well.

  • I used to add a teaspoon of powdered gelitin to a glass of orange juice and drink this everyday. Now i have very hard nails.

  • I recommend blackmores hair skin and nails supplement, since taking this they have become a lot stronger I also use cuticle oil and Sally Hansen hard nails regularly.

  • great tips here, the cold weather makes my nails very brittle so I’ll be trying so of these suggestions

  • There are some great tips here thanks

  • Every woman I have spoken to has lost stregth in there nails from having arcrylics so this would be a no no! try and take a vitamen for hair and nails; and see how that goes, I have strong nails the downside is my toe nails are also very strong.

  • I will be reading the tips, thanks.

  • Take Silica and calcium to enrich your nails and do not wash your hands in very hot water

  • I have been using a product by sally hansen for strong nails, and it’s been working so far.

  • Great ideas here.. thanks everyone. I have the same problem and have always blamed biting my nails when I was younger but will now look at my diet a bit closer

  • increase your zinc and magnesium 🙂

  • Sally Hansen make a great strengthing product for nails.

  • if you are breast feeding or recently had a baby,to me,that was normal.you may benefit from blackmores,nail and hair tonic,but plz read the label first,because their are some herbal remedies that are not sutable for feeding mothers,.impersonally gave up on long nails as I love being in the garden so much.

  • It’s really weird but my nan had the strongest nails ever, she always thought it was from all the gummy bears she ate

  • Dr Lewin’s Revitanail is great and giving them periods of rest between painting. I have a nasty habit of occasionally picking off my nail polish which tends to damage my nail bed so don’t do that lol. Perhaps a Hair, Skin and Nails vitamin in any range would be good also.

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