
I am struggling with life at the moment, trying to be a mother a wife and work a full time job. I’m looking for suggestions (low to no cost) to pep me up a little?


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  • I think it’s important to take some time for you. Paint your nails, do your hair, read a book, go for a walk. Make time for just yourself.

  • If your local TAFE offers beauty therapy or hairdressing courses then often they are looking for clients for their students. The treatments are really inexpensive and a great and cheap way to get a facial or massage or other lovely treatments.
    Do you have a friend who you might like to have lunch with or a coffee, who’s company puts a smile on your face?
    Do you have a hobby? Like to read or a movie? Can you ask your family to give you some alone time to do one of these activities?

  • Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by the demands of life.
    In general I think it’s good to be kind to yourself and have attention for your needs.
    Keeping a journal can help and writing the things you’re thankful for can certainly help you focus on those.
    Throughout the day I often walk outside for a moment to take deep breaths and soak up some sun.
    I find it helps when I share my feelings with a family member or a dear friend.
    I take the time to read a lovely book before I go to sleep.
    Maybe you could consider yoga as well.
    Other things that help me survive hard times is taking a brisk walk, spoiling myself on a nice cup of coffee, take time for meditation / devotion

  • Buy something you use every day in a pretty or special style – for example, I bought a side plate and mug. I find that using them can make my day a little more special and lift me when I’m feeling down.

  • I hope some of these suggestions were helpful.

  • Start a gratitude journal in the morning put down three things that you are grateful for later at bed time put down three good things that happened during the day just simple things to remind you of the good bits

  • Face masks are really relaxing and cheap when done at home add a cup of tea and take your 5 minutes you need.

  • Very well said Julz81. I wholeheartedly agree with that strategy.

  • Something I do when I’m feeling down or defeated is take a deep breath a find three things that I’m grateful for ( either in general or specifically for that day).

    It helps me centre myself and realise that while my issues in life are very valid there is also so much to be thankful for in my life.

    Hope things get better for you xxx

  • Do something you love even if it’s for only ten minutes a day. Also some light exercise can really lift your mood.

  • Also; important to seek help and support if you feel you need it. There are so many groups that are there to help. Anyone that feels low should reach out and get help. These groups and organisations can provide supports, strategies and links.

  • Find a good book to loose yourself in. I enjoy the 10 minutes here or there I get with a hot drink and a gripping story. A kindle is your best friend. 100’s of books so you’ll always have something on hand to suit your mood.

  • I spend time each day on the things I enjoy – it is important for mums to have time to focus on the things they enjoy. The things I enjoy do not all take money. They do provide me with quiet time to focus on the things I enjoy and get value from every day. Making a list of what you love to do, does help and sometimes reaching back to what you enjoyed in childhood can help to reignite an old interest. Also; to get pep; I eat well and get exercise even when I do not feel like it. Exercise and eating well does help.

  • Find something you enjoy, and do it! Me time is vital to general happiness in life

  • Firstly be kind to yourself you’re doing an amazing job. It depends what makes you feel good. I’m not a runner but if you are take some time for yourself and go for a run, have a long bath, have phone dates with your friends, read or whatever it is that makes you smile. Sometimes it feels impossible to fit in time for yourself but remember you’re worth it, you deserve it and it’s good for everyone in the family.

  • I use Essential Oils to help when I lose motivation, or have a headache, or even just plain tired. Now I know you wanted low or no cost, but the benefits help the whole family.

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