
How easy was it for you to stop breastfeeding..?

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  • I just simply stopped when you went to it will happen

  • Easier than I thought! I didn’t go cold turkey, so I reduced it slowly and avoided having mastitis!

  • Took me over a month to completely stop as I didn’t want to go cold turkey and risk getting mastitis. It took long but was worth it in the end.

  • I found it difficult as I exclusively express breast fed both of my kids. The second time around I heard that if you put cabbage leaves in your bra your supply will start to dry up! Yes it really works, and it helped so much with the pain of being engorged. I found it best to slowly wean off, cool the cabbage leaves and place them inside my bra, swapping them every few hours until I no longer had any supply.

  • It really depends on the age of the child how easy it’ll be. We breastfed for as long as my daughter wanted it, and around 2.5 years she was only feeding at bedtime. As she was ready for her big girl bed, we explained if she got a big bed, not more cot, she’d have to say bye to the bedtime boobie too. We’d been slowly introducing and replacing the bedtime boob with singing lullabies, and so when it came to going into her big bed, we did cuddles and songs instead, and while we still had some rough nights, it made the transition easier.
    Prior to this, to cut down on night feeds, we started offering water at night from around 14 months. Often if she woke she just wanted a sip of water and a cuddle to go back to sleep, unless she was teething.
    I suppose the best advice I can offer is to follow your child’s queues. You’ll know when they’re ready to stop or cut down on feeds. Good luck. :)

  • I found the more i introduce the bottle to my kids, the less they wanted to be breastfed. They soon realised they were getting more from a bottle feed than from my breasts as my milk supply started dropping.

  • Best is to gradually reduce the length and frequency of the breastfeeds, whilst increasing the amount of bottle- / solid food. Sometimes it helps when somebody else then you feeds, so your baby can’t search for your boobies and also distraction & play is a helpful tool.

  • I found it quite easy but only breastfed my twins for the first few weeks. I just swapped to bottles, expressed, and slowly decreased the frequency that I was expressing.

  • My first weaned himself at around 10 months (I was 7 months pregnant with his sister at the time). My 2nd fed until around 14 months and it was just 1 feed at night for the last months and I just decide to try dropping it one night when she was really tired, and she never ‘asked’ again. My third was 17 months and similar to my second. Do what’s right for you , when it feels right.

  • The best way to stop breast feeding is to slowly ween down the feeds, depending on the age of the child this can be done but switching a feed a day to formula or cows milk(only if they are old enough) after about 3-5 days your supply will stop producing as much milk around that time of a feed. So it ca be a slow process and slow is best. If you stop cold turkey you can run the risk of getting mastitis and you become very full to the point of it being painfully. The key is slow and steadily and go with what feels best for you and your baby.

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