
Baby number 4 will NOT take a bottle. Have figured out she dislikes the taste of formula so any suggestions on how to get her to like it? Things I can add or do? She’s on goat’s milk and is 5.5 months old.

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  • I would honestly just pursuit or change bottles again, try hubby or a friend doing it so bubs can’t smell you. A 5 month old can’t dislike a formula as such would be more the actual bottle / not breast milk.

  • I’ve heard dr browns bottle help

  • Looks like a case on trying different ones til you find one she l I kes

  • Aside from the taste, the smell of the milk could also be a factor why baby disliked it. I’d suggest try other milk brands.

    My eldest was a picky too. It took us 3 milk brands and manyyyy bottle brands before she finally accepted. She settled for this slim neck bottle btw https://www.pigeonbaby.com.au/collections/flexible-slim-neck-bottles-teats Might be also worth checking if she’s okay with the bottle you’re using too.

  • I’d be trialing other brands.

  • Have you tried different brands of formula? Apparently they really do taste different.

  • Have you tried different types of formila ?
    Wait until your baby is sufficiently hungry before feeding. Try changing the bottle size and shape, the nipple, or other aspects of the bottle to see what your baby responds to. Experiment with the temperature of the milk or formula. Breast milk is lukewarm, so make sure the bottle isn’t too warm or cool.
    You also might want to try different feeding positions.
    If baby is at least 6 months old, you might consider skipping the bottle and going straight to an open cup or straw.
    Don’t force-feed. Remember, baby might not be hungry. If they’re refusing the bottle, give them space and time—and try not to stress about it.
    By 6 months you can also introduce solids.

  • It’s so tricky waiting it out for bub to take a bottle. Our 9 month old outright refused, a few days later let my husband give him a bottle, and this week finally let me. We had to go with his pace and ease in. Now on two a day. If he’s a little antsy I just rock in the nursing chair and sing a soft song, after a few minutes he’ll settle and have it. Good luck.

  • Have you tried a different brand of goat milk formula or is there another type of formula you could try. It took me 3 varieties before my daughter took to one. It could also potentially be the bottle, have you tried other types of bottles as well?

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