
Hi mums! Just wondering who lives here in Victoria. Is the tubal ligation procedure free here in public hospitals? I already have 2 kids boy and girl. If it is, can you share the experience?

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  • I suspect that the answer to your question might vary a bit with circumstances – sometimes whether a medical procedure is covered by Medicare will depend on what your GP says. That is, how they classify you. I haven’t had the experience, but based on what I’ve heard, you should be ready for intrusive questions.

  • I do believe this is covered by Medicare if you are in the public hospital system, but your second question about the experience is one that I can answer as I have been through it. The ligation was not a problem for me at all, but everyone is different, and apart from not being able to lift anything more than a 250gm pat of butter for 6 weeks which can be awkward if you have a young child, you still have to pick up, then it was a breeze. Hope your procedure goes as well as mine did and remember these days most operations are done with key-hole surgery which means even less pain. Good luck.

  • Have you considered your partner getting a vasectomy instead? It’s a quick, easy outpatient procedure that isn’t invasive at all, and recovery is usually fast. Plus, this way, you wouldn’t have to worry about potential hormonal changes or other long-term effects that can sometimes come with tubal ligation.

  • I don’t mind waiting, i am still a bit young like 35 so i think they will not want me to get tubal ligate yet 😅 but yeah i will ask GP soon.

  • A GP should be able to provide advice and information on this procedure and refer to the right area. Medicare should also be able to assist with providing information and again be able to direct to the right resources and information. A local hospital might also be able to provide answers too.

  • It’s not something I know about personally and I’m not in Victoria but I think Medicare covers this.
    Good luck.

  • Hey mama! Yes, tubal ligation can be done through the public system, but there’s usually a waitlist, and eligibility depends on factors like age, medical history, and doctor approval. If you go private, it’s faster but comes with out-of-pocket costs. I’ve heard mixed experiences—some say recovery was easy, while others had a bit of discomfort for a few days. Best bet is to chat with your GP and get a referral to see what’s available for you.

  • I don’t live in Victoria either but as far as I know is that tubal ligation is fully covered by Medicare here in Australia. Generally you have the choice to have it public or private done. When you go for the public system it should be covered by Medicare but you will have a waiting time to have it done. When you go private you’ll have to pay of course.

  • I don’t live in Victoria so I am not much help but have you contacted the hospital to see if they could help or answer this question? My next suggestion would be to contact your local MP and see if they know or could direct you to someone who could help you. Good luck.

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