
My 2/12 year old boy shows no interest in toilet training. Should I be concerned at all? When did your kids start to toilet train?

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  • My daughter is the same age as is just not interested at this point. I agree with waiting until they are ready

  • my daughter is 2 1/2 and she is only just showing some interest
    i talk about it with her and it is getting her more interested

  • No, but it is time to at least start talking about it. There are some great kids story books now about learning to potty, and when he is ready BIG BOY undies with superhero’s sometime inspire them.

  • Each child is different my eldest son was 3 and my youngest son who only just turned 2 is almost going by himself. I even had problems with my eldest for a year that he was always wetting himself he knew he needed to go was just so absorbed with playtime it was not priority for him. I think as long as they are toilet trained before school your all good!!!

  • I guess all children have their own timing to tune into somethings we adults try to put a timeline on. I am sure, he will come around. My son is 3 and only started him last month but he has caught up very quickly and I noticed this very quickly because this is also around the time when they are able to understand well and speak well as well. I think it would have taken a lot longer for him to ‘come around’ to the idea if I had staretd him early. again, all children are different. the important thing is to guide them along and reassure them its ok to to do this wether now or a little later. cheers

  • mine were trained early as that was what they wanted, I used to take them to the toilet with me and sit them on their own “Small toilet that was just the right size for them” if they beat me to do anything it was praise and they could choose a treat – story fruit etc or even a tv show.If they didn’t do anything it was no drama as obviously they didn’t feel the need to go! They got to the stage that they were “Beating mummy” by going on their own! every child is an individual and will progress at their own rate, comparing them to other children is never a good idea as they will feel inferior if not the same.

  • My friend had seven boys and swears that 27 months in warm weather is the best time to start. Then it only takes a few days.

  • I\’m the same. My boy isn\’t interested & doesn\’t talk so I\’m at a lose but will be following. Great question.

  • Don’t panic. Neither of my boys were at all interested till they were four years old, but then they got it within a matter of weeks.

  • Don’t be too concerned. All children will do it at some stage. My son was fully toilet trained throughout the night at 2, but I hear some kids wear nappies through the night when they are 4 or more. All children are different. I encouraged my son to come into the bathroom with me when I went to the toilet and would explain big boys and big people go to the toilet. I used a potty and my son didn’t like it. I used a potty insert in the toilet and he hated that too, and then I got a potty ladder and he seems to use that. It is just trial and error and lots of cleaning up!!!!! When you are trying to toilet train them you think will they ever get it…..but they do. I didn’t give treats…I just clapped and cheered when he went and made a huge deal about him going. I think positive praise works better than treats. Good luck.

  • Hi! Have you tried having a special treat he only gets when he uses the potty or loo? We read “Pirate Pete’s Potty” to him when he was on, he got to wear a pirate hat and a fake moustache, and if we were still waiting after the book we pulled out bubbles to blow. If he managed to do something in the potty he got a pirate sticker. You could adapt this to his interests. Also have you just tried the potty or the the loo too!! Some kids just don’t want to use a potty! Make sure he sees you using the loo!

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