
My little man turns one in August, I’d like to do something different to the cliche first birthday!
Would love some ideas Mums 🙂
Thank you xxx

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  • I like mom121707’s ideas’s, inspiring !

  • sponsor a child or animal, or buy a star

  • Identity Direct do awesome, personalised gifts. So much to choose from! You can check it out online.

  • What did you end up doing?

  • Some really good ideas have been posted here already, hope you’ve found something to work with now.

  • It will depend on how much you are willing to spend as well! Sound good!

  • It depends a bit how many relatives you are inviting, and close friends if you wish too.
    How many other babies, toddlers and older children. Other babies and toddlers will probably be happy to just paly with each other. Older children will probably be looking for an activity of some type. If the weather is good, other children may be able to play outdoors. Your baby won’t remember any of it. Unless you have a big budget just find things to amuse everybody. Adults are more likely to enjoy conversations, especially if they aren’t all able to meet very often and watch their children from a distance. Ensure you have safe areas, that none of the little ones can “escape”. They can be next to you one second, and gone the next.

  • Baby’s first birthday is really more for adults, however I wanted the kids in our family to have fun too. As my brother has a house in the countryside we held it up there. We got everyone to bring a plate of food instead of presents (although family are stubborn and spoil my son and brought gifts anyway).

    We hired a ball pit and small jumping castle from the local toy library (I live in SA and Tea Tree Gully Toy library hire out some party equipment for really cheap, I think it cost us a total of $35). I organised a few games for the kids. I made my own banner (you will be surprised what you can find on the internet) and made my own one highchair label.

    The adults just really socialised and after a while my son had his nap in a porta cot we brought. Everyone enjoyed themselves and it was cheap.

  • so many great ideas!

  • Wow thank you so much for all the ideas!
    There’s so much inspiration here.
    I love the idea of the predictions that can be re read at his 21st!

  • in august, if where you live is warm weather by then, have an outdoor party and let the kids paint or fingerpaint.

  • If he’s a leo you could make a lion cake.

  • First birthdays are more for the adults than the child. So do something you would enjoy. We just organised a small lunch with a few other couples and then a cake at the end.

  • He’s not actually going to remember it, so don’t get too carried away.

  • my kids just had a minnie mouse party goodluck x

  • Our youngest grandson just had his 1st birthday in the Botanical Gardens & his parents hired a ball pit for the kids to play in & that kept all the kids entertained & the parents were able to enjoy the sunshine & the scenery. Make it easy on yourself so you can enjoy the day too!

  • We have our boys first birthday at a similar time!! I am keen to have a \’we survived one year of parenting\’ party. My husband and I are going to have a cake off and see who can cook the best birthday cake.
    I figure the first birthday is never Just for the baby but Also the parents, and I love throwing parties… So I\’m throwing a fun family friendly party that we\’ll all enjoy.
    Do you have any ideas? I would love to hear them too!

  • that newspaper idea is a great one! google ideas. use pinterest for inspiration as well. do you want a party at home? Depends on budget. Petting zoo. A friend of mine only had a party for 10 kids and she had the idea that she had goldfish in bowls and the kids played a game. Threw a ping pong ball at the one that they wanted and if it got in, they won the fish. She had a jumping castle as well but everything was a standard party. Her kid turned 8. Depends on the ages of the other people and kids that are coming.

  • As far as a gift goes, your little one wond really get a whole heap out of anything specifically for a baby right now but some ideas for things that could interest him later include
    – A laminated front page of the newspaper from the day of his actual 1st birthday
    – A letter from you about how the first year has been with him, particularly the things that you have loved doing with him or watching him do
    – Something handmade – I made my daughter a quilt for her first Christmas that I hope one day she might pass on to her own kids.
    – Maybe you could ask family and friends to write down predictions about what kind of person he will be or what job he will have when he grows up and the reasons they think that. You could give them to him in an album for his 21st birthday and get some laughs.

    In terms of a party, I had a small family gathering when my little girl turned 1 and then I got my parents to babysit and went out and had coctails with friends to celebrate surviving the first year. Frankly, I needed the party more than she did;-)

    I hope some of those ideas appeal.

  • Are you after a place to go or something at home?

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