
He loves his bath and it’s difficult holding him in the shower all the time, besides that means an extra long shower once I finally get to wash my hair/shave legs! We only have a shower and my 9mo has outgrown baby bath! Ideas?

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  • Is he ablr to sit up in the shower?

  • Is he able to sit on the floor under the shower?

  • Buy a washing tub from kmart (the big plastic tubs) and put it in the shower to use as a bath

  • Can you put him on the floor in the shower while you kneel next to it?

  • laundry trough or big plastic tub in the bottom of the shower.

  • I used the laundry tub for years to bath my daughter and because of the height of the tub it was easy on my back.

  • You can use the kitchen sink or laundry tub and slowly start taking bub into the shower with you

  • Plastic storage tub with a non slip mat in the bottom. We had to bath in a bucket each (sponge bath literally) for a couple of days when our shower was being tiled.

  • I would use a tub and then wash him in the shower area with a sponge standing up . Unless he is super dirty , I think there is no need to have a full shower .

  • We only have a shower & we use a small blow up pool and sit that in the bottom of the shower. I make sure to wash it out with antibacterial hand wash prior to my daughter using it though.

  • By now baby would have started sitting..so why not try getting a sitting stool on which bub can sit and you can pour water on your baby from the bathtub/bucket with a mug or a shampoo rinser mug

  • You have to be careful having a baby below you in the shower as they can easily get soap.shampoo in their eyes, and ears (some babies dislike water in their ears too – that is one of the main reasons why they hate having their hair washed. Some develop ear problems). The wash trough is a good idea provided you don’t get laundry washing residue in it at all. I know Mums and Dads who take their babies and older ones in showers with them after swimming in pools at swimming centres. They concentrate more on washing the kids than they do themselves though.

  • The plastic tubs you can buy from Bunnings, we use this when we are away and great when finished you can tip into the garden 🙂

  • Safety first. I thought of putting a plastic tub in the shower but I would sit on a stool or childrens chair beside him in case he slips as he is only 9 months old. Otherwise use your laundry tub as you can hold him easily while you wash him.

  • What about the laundry sink? That might work for awhile.

  • Lundry tub or maybe buy one of those plastic storage tubs … or a little blow up pool

  • Try the laundry tub should be bigger

  • Pop a tub in the bottom of your shower, as you shower he can sit in the bottom. This way he will also become accustomed to the shower making future transition easier.

  • I have the same problem and we use the laundry sink. Although I do wish we had a bath as he seems to be slowly out growing the sink.

  • We used to use a tub trug sort of thing, Them in the tub while one of us showered. We started with the small size and then got bigger ones as they grew. There is always a use for them once they aren’t being used as a bath any more.

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