
How do I wean my 16 month old off her bottle? She won’t use a sippy cup but she will use a straw from time to time. Any help would be great. Thanks


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  • Why do you want her to stop using the bottle?

  • Glad she is taking to the sippy cup. My 3 kids have all been very different. #3 is still using a bottle at night but refuses to take one during the day, he is 18mnths. Im not fussed as I know he will give it up when he is ready.

  • Glad she is starting to like the different coloured sippy cup

  • I have 3 children and they all weaned at different times. Until the age of 5yrs, young children develop at different rates, and unless you are particularly concerned about her behaviour, I would say don’t rush her. Hope you find this helpful. Cheers Gill

  • Oh I think what is the rush, my daughter had a bottle only at night until she was 2. I think if she is getting her milk that way, how does it hurt. And especially if she likes it.

  • I agree with these ladies by taking the bottle away completely. Place a couple of cups with straws one for water and one with milk. Your little person will get thirsty and drink from them with out issue. It helps if you have a cup too. Just say that’s Mum’s. Kids copy what we do all the time.

  • Remove all bottles and buy a couple of different sipper cups (styles) and leave them near her. She will then drink when she is thirsty. It might take a day or so but she will not go for long without. Don’t make a big deal out of it just say the new babies at the hospital need them now and she is a big girl who can drink out of a big girl bottle.

  • Thanks so much ladies for your assurance and help. =) I bought her a nice sippy cup with lots of colors that she now finds interestinG!

  • keep using the straw, my twin girls love using the straw!

  • I agree I think she’s still young, however if you want her to drink from a cup use tough love & only offer her a cup or cup with straw.

  • Although my girl is autistic she weaned off a bottle to a straw cup still have no luck with anything that requires tipping up but there are so many great straw cup out there im not to concerned. I wouldnt stress to much when they ready they will let you know…i know older kids who still have bottles!

  • It is hard taking bottles away ,We tried only giving bottle at night .But ur child is stir young so don’t worry to much .

  • I have just weaned my 2 year old by accident. We had run out of formula so I put almond milk in his bottle and he wouldn’t drink it. For the next two days every time he asked for a bottle I filled it with almond milk and he stopped asking. If she loves almond milk I guess this wouldn’t work, but you could try something else she doesn’t like the taste of.

  • I went a purchased a cup that my daughter loved. It was her special cup. & used a straw. After a little while she didn’t want the bottle anymore. We made it fun by using different coloured straws, curly straws etc.

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