
I need help with some suggestions on trying a weight-improving protein diet suggestions for my toddler

She seems to be eating okay (no fruits except bananas) but is growing under the growth chart for weight for strange reasons. I am stuck, has anyone had this situation?

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  • Definitely see a dietician if she is under.

  • We saw a paediatrician who recommended a dietician for this sort of issue

  • I would think that when your child is under the growth chart as you say, your GP would have given you advice or would have given you a referral already ??

  • We were also given some good resources from our GP; well worth the consult.

  • I’d be going to a professional for this information, it’s too important to get wrong

  • We received advice from our GP to increase weight with healthy foods.

  • Ask your health nurse for a referral to see a dietician that specialises in paediatric health. But I would look at protein rich foods, healthy fats and vegetables. If she is tracking along her percentile she should be fine. If she is fluctuating and or dropping weight that’s more of a concern. Definitely seek support and advice from professionals though! Good luck x

  • First of all you could look into protein rich foods and encourage frequent smaller portions of food throughout the day. However when her weight is not low on the chart but really under the growth chart I would think that your GP or peadiatrician would refer to a deitician.

  • Full day everything is very important, along with lots of colours. Avoid white anything, rice, pasta, etc. Easy to swap pasta for wholemeal or protein enhanced. Try all sorts of meats, add chickpeas to soups and blend, add cashews to smoothies and blend well, add Greek pot set yoghurt to milkshakes and cereal, encourage peanut butter on toast, apple, celery, carrots, multigrain bread, baked beans on toast and eggs!

  • Kids love milkshakes especially if they get to help chopping bananas add as well as a scoop of Ice cream. Dishes like brown rice and Tuna in a white sauce is a easy protein rich meal add a dash of sour cream or Yoghurt and mix in. Tuna Mornay enriched with bitey tasty cheese is still a family favourite. My kids also loved making Corn fritters topped with grated Cheese.

  • This mum below had some really great ideas. I would also consider a formula that you could use that in high in protein as this could be an ideal addition for your toddler.

  • I’ve had to work to increase the weight of my now 11 month old and we’re now in a good place. We had to incorporate healthy fats where ever we could. Add butter to everything. Toast buttered both sides with heaps of avo. Or ‘eggycado’ on toast, boil and egg and mash it with avo. Sprinkle nut mixes on foods. Add lentils to meals, like Bolognese, along with meats. Hommus on toast or crackers.
    We found a dietitian was amazing for information and recommendations.

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