
I have seen craisins mentioned in recipes but have never heard of them before. Have I been hiding under a rock all these years? lol!!!

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  • Craisins are actually dried cranberries with sugar added to make them sweet. Raisins are just dried grapes, with no added sweeteners. Craisins are a dried cranberry brand created by Ocean Spray, known for growing cranberries.

  • Raisins and cranberries

  • They are really sweet, but okay in recipes.

  • Are they dried cranberries??

  • I think they’re big in America. I’ve tried them and they’re really nice.

  • they are really yummy, and I add them to my oats!

  • I thought they were a mix between a cranberry and raisen hahaha

  • Love all these answers thank you lovely ladies!

  • Good question, i dont really like them to be honest!

  • I had never heard of them before UNTIL I saw it in a recipe on MOM Deb! lol!!!

  • I thought that they were cranberry flavoured raisens. I have seen blueberry flavoured raisens.

  • I have never tried them !

  • Yup. Dried cranberries.. I don’t like them lol..

  • Craisins are dried cranberries. I’ve tried them a couple of times and found them to be sickly sweet, I didn’t enjoy them at all. Meant to be lovely added to cooking tho

  • Wow! I didn’t know either!

  • I guess everyone knows what craisins are now. lol!!!

  • They caught my eye a few years back in a supermarket. Browsing and saw craisins and went hmm I wonder? lol

  • Wow, I learned something new today didn’t know they were dried cranberries, I’ve been wanting to make a recipe with craisins in it for a while, now I know what they are I can lol. Thanks for asking this question.

  • Yes definitely dried cranberries. Took me a while to realise when I was searching in the shops for ingredients for a recipe

  • So now we know that dried cranberries and craisins are the same thing. Thanks MOM 90758.
    I would love to try them as long as they don’t come from China! lol!!!

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