
I have seen craisins mentioned in recipes but have never heard of them before. Have I been hiding under a rock all these years? lol!!!

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  • Thanks for asking that question, I didn’t know this as well. I learned something today. Thank you.

  • They are dried cranberries and are delicious. They are lovely with choc chips in muffins.

  • I had the same question. Dried cranberries and craisins are the same thing. But craisins is actually a registered trademark of Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. So officially you couldn’t call all the dried cranberries craisins, but just that brand.

  • they are dried cranberries and slightly bitter compared to raisins but great in salads etc.

  • oh yum Dried Cranberries so addictive

  • Dehydrated cranberries. Could use raisins instead

  • I thought I knew but wasnt sure until I read everyone’s comments, guess it’s like any fad food – chia seeds, lsa etc

  • I had this same question not so long ago! I saw them on the shelf at the supermarket. They’re dried cranberries.

    They are sweet and delicious. My toddler gobbles them up! I haven’t cooked/ baked with them yet but I have some bananas to use up so I might do a banana/ craisin bread/ loaf/ muffins. Yum!

  • yes i was right! i think that craisins is more an american term. Used in those american recipes lol

  • A fancy name for dried cranberries

  • Ocean Spray dried cranberries are my favourite when cooked in porridge & they are also great with mixed nuts. I also made a oat, craisins & walnut biscuit from a recipe on here several months ago & they were really tasty.

  • Dried Cranberries! I don’t mind them. There are pretty tasty!

  • Dried cranberries. They are super yummy!

  • *snack

  • They are yummy. My kids like them for a sanck.

  • thanks for the answer. hubby just commented that I was a Richard cranium1 LOL!!

  • They are dried cranberries. You can get them in the supermarket.

  • aren’t they just dried cranberries? lol

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