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  • Cucumbers are a very easy crop to grow. I grow them every year.

  • I have just planted some cucumbers, beans and lettuce. Fingers crossed!

  • Tomatoes, Capsicums and Cucumbers so far! Would love to get started on carrots and eventually fruits such as strawberries and raspberries!

  • Only tomatoes so far. I’d like to plant cucumbers too.

  • And wanting to also plant some corn, they had none in stock when we were in store. Have also weeded, fertilised and mulched the strawberries, raspberries and loganberries

  • Veggies!!! Just last week we planted tomatoes, golden beans, capsicum, chilli, carrots, zucchini and we already had garlic and a cabbage on the go. I’ve also got clover sprouts in a jar and a ‘surprise’ seed that came with a free jiffy pot inside.

  • We have a family farm, and this year we have already planted Beans and Roma tomato’s. We will be planting Broccoli very soon. We also grow stone fruit, apples and pears which I cannot wait to be ready for eating. I love this time of year. We also have a few lines of our family’s own varieties of fruit, Like a Prapple (which is 25% pear and 75 % apple).

  • We are currently planting some vegetables and herbs.

  • I planted capsicums so far! We are in a drought here in qld but today thankfully we have rain so hopefully my capsicums will flourish

  • I love flowers and get yearly bulbs at Bunnings (think it’s a lovely gift to a friend as well). And of course fruit, veggies and herbs !

  • Fruit and Veg! We love having an edible garden. Tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, beetroot, cucumber, zucchini. Yum.

  • I would go to Bunnings. But you can buy them online too, for example here: http://www.vogelvry.com.au/tulips/

  • Thanks for the comments/answers – most helpful. I am looking for some new inspiration for my garden. 🙂

  • Head to your local nursery for some inspiration. I’ve planted ‘potted colours’ – cheap flowers including marigolds, petunias, daisies, etc

  • Fortunately, my garden is well established now, so there will be no need for more plantings – I love my Spring garden … freesias, grape hyacinths, bluebells, jonquils and more offer a wonderful rainbow of delights each year!

  • Mum90758 – where is the best place for getting bulbs? Thanks

  • Bulbs! In particular tulips, my favourite flower!

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