
My 5 month old sleeps well most of the time but of late we have found it hard to settle her. So I was wondering what sleep techniques you found that worked? Thanks

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  • Warm baths work for us, also just have a routine. Another thing i found worked was feeding until drowsy – so just until settled (or when they have finished the feed/bottle) and then putting them down while they are awake. I found if they were rocked to sleep they would wake up with a start because they weren’t being held anymore. Good luck!

  • Everytime I use to find a routine, they would change it. Try more food before bed, an extra feed. Less fuss, a quick cuddle and straight back down. Make sure room is a comfortable temp. Do your best and know that they will grow out of it.

  • Make sure you have a routine every night. Bath, feed, read a book etc then bed. This encourages your child to know and get used to the routine leading up to bed time. A bath before bed every night gets them tired, relaxed and settled so they sleep more easily.

  • We would feed our girls and they would normally fall asleep during or at the end of their feed, but we would wait for them to give us their sleepy signs before we’d feed them. Once we realised we couldn’t continue this way we decided to set more of a routine for them — bath, stories, bottle and bed to settle themselves. First night Olivia screamed for an hour(not hysterical, just complained) whilst Finlay only went for about thirty minutes in comparison to her sister, second night was 30 mins from Ollie and 10 from Finn and by the third night they were settling themselves within 5 minutes. Sometimes they’ll have an off night and I won’t let them go to the point of making themselves gag and choke but those nights are very few and really only if they’re not well. We’ve been very lucky though that they’ve both teethed with no problem. Good luck and just remember that you’re doing a great job!

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