
My bub is 14 weeks old and Im looking to do baby massage but I’m unsure of the best products to use, looking for something natural

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  • L’occitane makes a baby specific oil and so does the body shop. They should both be good quality

  • The MUSTELA baby massage oil is gorgeous and so gentle and hydrating. I love that one.

  • I use Bubba Organics. They are all natural and made locally. Smell beautiful too.

  • I only use Johnson’s baby oil on baby’s skin it’s safe and calming for them after a bath

  • I had a full set of baby calming potions. There was a bath liquid, a massage lotion and a spray. All contained lavender and magnesium which are supposed to calm and settle babies

  • Johnsons Lavender Massage Oil before bedtime is wonderful for both Bub and Mum, its so relaxing and smells fabulous. You’ll find after a bath and a massage, your baby will be so content they’ll gently fall asleep even for my very Bub who was a poor sleeper, a total body massage works wonders.

  • I would use Johnson and Johnson products. Tried tested and true products. Either their baby oil or their lotion, both are lovely and would do the job

  • I just used a light baby moisturiser.

  • Any natural oil like coconut, olive etc but try and little area first to make sure there are no allergies. I used coconut oil on both my kids with no problems and it’s nice knowing you’re not putting any chemicals/nasties on their skin

  • Gaia baby oil.

  • Best thing to use is plain old boring olive oil that you buy from the supermarket. I always have some of this at home anyway because I cook with it, and so much cheaper than buying massage oil.

  • Gaia or Johnsons.

  • Olive oil or baby oil.

  • Cocount oil

  • Sweet almond oil.

  • Any natural oil like coconut or olive

  • I’ve used GAIA but I personally preferred to use creams.

  • Coconut oil is nice

  • Some babies hate being massaged no matter what you use. I know of one baby who screamed every time her Mum tried (very gently) and loved doing it so she tried various methods with various oils and creams. The Mum got stressed after quite a few attempts and gave up.

  • Olive oil is best for baby massage

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