
I am awaiting for an appointment with a specialist at the Children’s Hospital, my son has been weeing a lot so I took him to the Doctors, they did a blood test, urine test and ultrasound, he has good bloods, but extremely high levels of potassium and chloride in his urine, he also had a scan that shows an unknown area in bladder. The referral says, hypoechogenic area in anterior bladder wall of uncertain significance. Any ideas?

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  • I would be listening to the doctors advice. Lots of well intentioned suggestions may not be helpful and may aggravate the condition further.

  • It could be his kidneys playing up. He could have an infection in his kidneys or his bladder. Honestly, there’s no point scaring yourself by trying to guess what it is, wait for the experts to decide

  • I think i would be waiting till i saw the specialists as we dont have all the information and unless any of us are doctors we cant really tell you anymore than what your gp has told you.
    Also i would steer clear of google as sometimes researching certain symptoms can send you in the completely wrong direction and not what you child could have.
    Good luck hope you get seen soon.

  • Hi MoM, I am sorry to hear your son needs to see a specialist. I am extremely pleased you took him to be assessed. I think it’s best that you find out all the correct information from the specialist directly and not from unqualified members of this site. The reason I say that is we don’t have all the information and every beautiful little child is different in their case and why should you spend more time worrying over any comments posted. Glad you are getting it sorted and sincerely hope you find your answers in a timely manner. Best wishes.

  • Hi hopefully you have had your appointment with the specialist, I have no idea what the r
    Readings can mean,fingers crossed its nothing to serious

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