sometimes you just have to wait till they are older. keep offering and encouraging even to try just one bite. letting them help with the cooking/preparation can also sometimes help.
Personally I do encourage my kids to eat new stuff by presenting something what they really like together with something new, then offer more of the stuff they like when they eat something of what’s new or they don’t like so much.
if all else fails, trick him! give him a platter of food with cheese, fruit, nuts etc and let him pick. He will eat what he likes and might try something new.
Offer something new each meal but don’t put pressure on him to eat it. Tell him what it is and that he can try it if he wants, put it in his plate then leave it and don’t mention it. Give it a week or so and see if he ends up trying something. When he says he doesn’t want it say that’s ok. Taking the pressure off may help… And if it doesn’t after a few weeks scrap the non pressure plan:) sometimes kids get there in there own time when we take the pressure off. Good luck!
I’ve found that if I make food look like muffins she tends to eat it more. Her mashed potato is pressed into a muffin tin with a sprinkle of cheese. But she loves sausages and meatballs . I hide veg in the meatballs. I also stuff little penne with a veg mix and she gobbles them down. I just twist the foods she loves. It can be time consuming but it’s worth it when you know your child is eating healthy even if they don’t know it.
mom322089 said
- 30 Sep 2021
mom134803 said
- 01 Jul 2016
christial said
- 08 Jun 2015
mom94125 said
- 02 Jun 2015
Naomi said
- 31 May 2015
mom56312 said
- 26 May 2015
Shay said
- 26 May 2015
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