
Hi mums, I was hoping you could help me. Is there anything that is bright and colourful and can be grown in the garden in winter. I find my garden is so boring.

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  • Daffodils. They are little rays of happiness

  • Not colourful but delicious……broccoli, cauliflower, silver beet, kale, garlic, onions

  • Thanks for asking this question as I was just wondering the same! Thanks for all the great suggestions everyone!

  • Hellebores (also called winter roses) are awesome, they are easy to take care of and grow in winter and come in many different colours.

    Fairy Primrose are another one that is a winter flower, they are beautiful and come in many colours although I love the bright pink (I included a photo as its my favourite in winter).

    Rhodanthe is another one, (they are also known as paper daisy’s or paper stars).

    Hardenbergia’s bright purple is gorgeous and they do extremely well in absolutely freezing temperatures.

    Luculia comes in a bright pink and the smell is divine.

    Lily of the valley and Snowdrops also grow in winter but only come in white so probably not what you are looking for. Have fun!

  • pansies put on such a great show of colour and spread there seeds so you can always have colour

  • thankyou mums you are always so smart and helpful

  • Look at planting pansies they come is loads of different colours.

  • Spinach and snow peas… anything that they have in your local nursery

  • Depends on where you live. I’m in SA and my garden has winter bells, daffodils, marigolds, peas, snow peas, Rosemary, tthyme etc, just to name a few.

  • Bunnings is a great place to go! Their pretty helpful to.

  • go have a look around and see what you like. your local nursery can give you great advice

  • The annuals are good but you need to change them for the seasons etc.

  • Bunnings have lots of colourful annuals, & a large variety of shrubs that produce flowers.

  • Roses, my roses are flowering beautiful ly and keeping the garden colourful

  • lol i have tried lots of things! i tried growing sunflowers and they got growing really well and then just died lol See what looks good to you. Try to grow from seeds as they will grow for their environment. I have bought seedlings from nurseries but as soon as they leave their greenhouse environment, they struggle to thrive.

  • Pansies are a great colour for your garden and also my deraniums are beautiful at the moment, reds and pinks. You can get pansies from bunnings in pots.

  • Oh, just realised you may have meant flowers and plants not veggies!

  • Depending on your climate, beetroot, peas, kale, onions and strawberries if kept undercover to start with. You get get some great coloured cauliflowrrs too!

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