
I love seeing how people decorated their tables and the kind of things their kids got or did to celebrate.
We did a hunt with the kids on the Saturday and had a brunch with some girlfriends on the Sunday. Will post a pic in the comments section.

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  • We actually did nothing for Easter this year! I need to up my game for the future

  • Not much happening at our home.

  • We didn’t get up to much of anything – my kid was with his dad for Easter. And being a teen we didn’t do an egg hunt or anything.

  • Just a very quiet Easter as always and even NO easter eggs or Easter Buns either

  • We don’t have small children, I miss the joy of these occasions when you have children. I bird sat for my daughter while her and her partner went camping

  • Easter isn’t a big thing in our house, Christmas is our big family celebration.
    I had my eldest home for the weekend and my daughters boyfriend. The kids play fought over the kids they found in the egg hunt the Easter bunny did, which was really wonderful to see I miss this sort of thing.
    We went for a walk to visit my mum and then to my step dads to pick our bikes up before riding home via the skate park.
    That night we went to Bendigo (Victoria) for their torch light parade, which I haven’t been to in years and was still just as good as I remembered.

    The one tradition we have for Easter is hot cross buns for breakfast

  • Had a family BBQ, egg and spoon races and ate way too much chocolate… same ol same ol lol

  • And here is a pic from our hunt. We only kept out small with 4 kids. There’s usually 6 but this time 2 were away in Queensland.

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