
I only have young sons (3 & under) & my niece is coming to stay with us for a few days. Apart from colouring & loom bands what activities might she like to do? What do 7 year old girls like to do?

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  • Craft, dress ups, music and dance, build a fort, make an obstacle course, cooking and baking

  • REad, play with dolls, all sorts of craft activities, dancing, watching TV, running around outside – my seven year old daughter enjoys them all.

  • I have 2 year old who tries to dance to the music.
    A lot like drawing and/or colouring in.
    If you have lego the kids might build things together with that.

    You could perhaps ask the parents in advance what your niece likes to do. At that age some don’t settle to one thing for long before they reckon tghey are bored. Ours love to go to the playground with snacks “for a picnic in the park”. One of ours likes counting the birds in the river and on the banks of it. Some love simple crafty things. One of ours used cereal packs and egg cartons to make some very unusual things and used markers to draw on and “decorate” them.

  • Seven year old girls are all individuals with different tastes, so it’s impossible to say what your niece would enjoy. Wait til she gets there and ask her

  • Depends on the 7 yo girl. She may enjoy really girly stuff. She may enjoy getting out with your boys and doing whatever they do (my daughter does.) wait till she turns up on your doorstep. See what she’s like and ask her if there’s anything she would like to do

  • cooking? any craft stuff really. dolls? maybe teddy bear picnic, go to a play ground?

  • My sister has her 7 yr old granddaughter stay on an extended holiday, I have been impressed with things they have been doing. Cooking from the kids cookbook Sugar & spice, doing photo shoots with her dolls, gardening, nails & beauty routines. I gave her a doll that you can make clothes for with basic material and hand sewing. There are amazing craft packs you can pick up from spotlight, making a collage, starting a diary/journal.

  • Draw, read books, play imaginative games, park, beach, play centres, go for lunch, girls are so easy to please!

  • I have three girls and I will tell you that all like to do whatever every one else is doing! I wouldn’t worry about setting up special activities for her, I bet she would love to shadow you and play with your boys and help you with them. My seven year old is so great with little kids, she would rather play with them than with her own things. Enjoy! Sounds like a special trip for her and you!

  • At the age of 7 ours didn’t mind going to the beach on a cool – warm morning for a picnic.
    Another place was a playground that equipment that was a bit challenging for them. All the better if the same one has suitable equipment for both age groups. We used to take cold drinks (not soft drink) + nibblies and have a picnic. Sometimes in the Autumn or Spring weather when it was pleasant we would go to the parklands along the river where they could watch the swans and ducks with their little ones. They loved spotting the different coloured ducks, counting them and watching where they went as there was a couple of bridges close to each other. 7 year old girls are often “book worms” or have special DVDs they love to watch. If it is a musical and she likes dancing you may discover her hidden talent as I did recently went I minded a 7 year old.

  • Pinterest had some really good ideas to for younge girls she may like to do if not wanting to go out all the time

  • Most girls like to do arts and craft things
    All children live to play wii/Xbox technology things
    Also cooking biscuits cakes slices ect.
    Movies time at the park
    And playing dress ups with make up and having there hair done

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