
I’m curious as to what most people tell their children. Being conscious of some children receiving a lot and others in families where it’s a struggle to get much at all At our house Santa always brings each child one medium priced gift. They know everything else is from the parents, especially major items.

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  • We never seperated much about gifts coming from Santa and gifts coming from us

  • a board game to share (amongst some other individual things) every year as it brings us together as a family.

  • There is no Santa in our house. The little humans have worked out Santa is not real, so they know they will receive gifts that we can afford.

  • My children knew quite early that Santa wasn’t real and all gifts had the giver’s name on them, so I never had anything to explain. They also had quite a few school friends whose family didn’t celebrate Christmas.

  • We always had the bigger, expensive gifts from us, smaller ones from Santa

  • We did most things from Santa and one or two things from us.

  • A very small stocking full of little things like pencils and hair clips, and a couple of bigger presents (as in, two books, a dvd, a soft toy). Everything else is a gift from a sibling or parent.

  • The smaller items, usually the items that go into our children’s “Santa sacks”. I would hate for my child to go to school raving that they got an inad from Santa and their friend only get something small like a notepad. It has been a very hard time for many families..so we now give the bigger gift so if they go to school their friends don’t feel like Santa loves them less..because they got a smaller gift.

    I hope that makes sense ????

  • We are not going overboard with presents. Also we are only buying presents for the kids. I like to gift something fun like a toy but also something they need like clothes etc.

  • When I was younger, ‘Santa’ would fill our sacks that were on our bed. Usually cheap stuff including chocolates, drinks, smaller items etc

  • My kids were told when they were younger, those that believe Santa will give them a gift. Otherwise mum and dad will give them a gift. We never did a seperate Santa gift saying “this is from Santa” so Santa didn’t get the credit for any amazing gifts etc.

  • Father Christmas brings about half of the presents in our house.

  • We focus on having fun rather than expensive gifts.

  • We never go over board with presents and the most fun is filling up a stocking with goodies. It is a tradition that just keeps going on and on.

  • I have always told my kids from a young age that mum and dad buy the presents and santa just delivers them for us

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