
My 17 month old and I are heading away for a holiday. We’re flying to Sydney and staying with a relative. It’s just me and I’m worried about carrying everything! What do I really not need to take?!

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  • Might be handiest to pack everything in a backpack so you have your hands free for your child

  • Don’t take more than one toy and one book. Keep disposables (like nappies) to a minimum, as you can buy more there.

  • Don’t take too many toys. Kids can be amused by lots of things on hand.

  • If its just interstate I’d pack light and if you need anything just buy it from the shops!

  • Travelling light makes things so much easier indeed !

  • Even when we pack light we still do not use everything; so we get lighter each trip.

  • I am a fan of travelling light. Take one bag with your clothes and baby’s and if you need a stroller ask your relative if they can grab one second hand or borrow one for the duration. Take baby’s bottles and formula if needed. Make sure you pack your favourite jeans and shoes and a cardigan and a jacket. Mix and match clothes and baby will need the same.

  • Just pack the basics! Clothes, some favourite toys and a pram or carrier and have a great trip!

  • I used to visit my parents interstate. Biggest item I took was a pram, mum got everything else

  • Since you’re staying with a relative I would bring just the basics. Some change of clothes but not much as you can wash. Some basic toiletries. Some nappies for during the travel, you can buy more in Sydney. Some toys for your 17 months old, a book , phone and charger and maybe headphones for yourself

  • We always travel light and essential only and going to Sydney should mean proximity to shops if extra supplies/items are needed.

  • Definitely second the below, don’t take bubs entire wardrobe. Our first trip away I packed way too much clothing. And his bath… So unnecessary.

  • If you are organising a hire car, don’t take a car seat with you, they can supply one. Some companies even supply prams or you can find a place that you can rent one from. Don’t take too many clothes as you can wash them in the sink and let them dry. I would suggest only taking a couple of pairs of shoes, i always take far too many and end up wearing my thongs or sneakers most of the time. Remember to take travel size shampoo, tooth paste, maybe a disposable tooth brush etc. If you are staying close to supermarket, i wouldn’t take too many nappies, wipes etc as you can easily get these when you get there. Just take what you think you might need for a couple of days and buy the rest when you get there. Have a fantastic holiday.

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