
Getting ready for a 6 week trip around Australia next year and would love to know what others think about which is better? Laptop or Tablet? Will be needing to do banking and emails throughout the trip as we will be gone roughly 6 weeks.

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  • I prefer a laptop but for travelling a tablet might be better.

  • Laptops are generally more expensive but cheaper tablets arent very good IME

  • laptops. more storage

  • I find a laptop best for a lot of typing, and tablets so much better for the convenience of carrying them. It probably depends on how you plan to travel.

  • My son was was given an Ipad from his school and I can tell you now the tablet would be much lighter in space and carrying wise . My daughter who had to carry her laptop during her years constantly complained how heavy it was in her bad and thought she would break her back . I would compare costs and functions then decide if it suitable for your needs and lifestyle .

  • If you are short on space or want it in the vehicle with you tablet is the way to go. Downside is storage size, so lots of photos, Etc may not for with the space.

  • depends on what you can spend and what you will feel comfortable in actual using.

  • This would be for banking, emails, keeping up to date while we are away and would like to printing stuff as well like receipts if we can

  • If it’s more for your use, emails, banking etc, I would go laptop. Then again, you can do everything on an iPad that you can do on a laptop, and iPads are fairly compact. But you can get nice and small laptops too. I’ve just confused myself!

  • it really depends whether you prefer to type and use a mouse or you like a touch screen – both are suitable for travelling although tablets can be more portable to carry around

  • I have a tablet and love it.

  • I’m not quite tech savvy but can get by ok. For our big trip away, we used our laptop for connecting to the internet, banking, looking at places of interest/places to stay etc. We already have a camera so we could upload them to the computer easy enough. The size didn’t bother me because it had its own place to live in the caravan, and I never found battery life a problem. I find our tablet hard to type on and probably don’t have all the apps I need on it either, so it stayed home. A bit off topic, but if you’re travelling with children, I’ve heard TAWK (Travelling Australia With Kids) is a good site but I haven’t used it yet. I do use findacamp.com.au quite a bit and our HEMA Navigator is pre-programmed with the spots in the CAMP 7 book (my go to book). I hope you love your holiday.

  • Ok, I’ve lugged my laptop thru airports because I needed for business & resented it. I have a friend who bought 1 of those laptop/tablet & the screen is too small to see anything & too small to hold any memory & just horrible FULLSTOP

    The new iPad Pro looks AMAZING, If you don’t need your laptop for business, just take a tablet- you won’t regret it.

  • That is true a table you can take photos with it

  • A friend of mine has a tablet and recently used the camera in it at a sports event. The photos were very good quality.

  • Lots of interesting points for both, now need to decide…

  • I would vote tablet, that’s what we use whenever we travel to the US and it works brilliantly. You can use apps for your banking and email, it can also hold movies and games for kids, plus they take up less room and weight in your bag.

  • A tablet would be more convenient for travelling. Laptops are generally bulkier and require more charging.

  • You can get a keyboard for the tablet if it helps with making typing easier.

  • It really does depend on the size of the tablet and laptop. I would go with the smallest and most convenient option.

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