
My daughter 1st got the cold sore virus about 6 weeks ago. She now has another cold sore and I would love to know the best ways to both prevent and treat (my husband and I don’t have it). I know about Zovirax but would be keen to learn about good ways to prevent and alternatives for treating. Many TIA.


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  • Thank you so much for all the tips. I should have mentioned that my initial course of action was to visit the doctor who prescribed zovirax or its equivalent no name brand. I really appreciate you all taking the time to share what has worked for you so we can try and make sure the coldsores don\’t become too much of an issue for my little one. Thanks again!

  • My daughter found Llysine helped, she had to take it regularly as they were a real problem. We discovered she was allergic to menthol and peppermint as well as the petrochemical base in some of the coldsore treatments.

  • I would get a professional opinion from your doctor.

  • also hope you find something that works

  • I don’t have an answer I’m afraid but I would like to thank you for asking. Myself and my miss 3 get them. While I am old enough to deal with them ( I just let nature take its course unless it is really bad or in the corner of my mouth), my little one gets quiet distressed. Its great to read the other mums comments especially about natural products that can help rather than relying of man made chemical treatments.

  • ask your doctor or baby health nurse

  • Hi I remember when I was younger once I got cold sore after cold sore , turned I had a bit of an iron deficancy, might be worth a check too if it’s reoccurring

  • To treat a cold sore use Egg white when it appears as it will dry it out and starve.
    FYI make sure dinner has egg in it so you’re not wasting an egg every day ;-)

  • Zinc and Lysine are great! but also check this list out. http://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/health/natural+health/how+to+fight+cold+sores,8181

  • Ask your doctor. Some people have it in them to be more prone to them

  • I have been getting cold sores on and off for 10 years and the best treatment I have found is Jelly bush honey, I usually put it on as soon as I feel the initial tingling and it wont even show up, but if I miss my chance and the sore appears its a nicer way of treating them than the usual creams, I also use the patches at night time as they give better protection against them spreading

  • L-Lysine tablets will help her fight them also vegemite works a treat!

  • Thanks for asking this question. My daughter is the same age and also got her first cold sore a couple of months ago closely followed by another. I worked hard to get them healed up (she likes to pick at sores) and they are gone for now but it’s good to know that there are things I can do to prevent recurrence.

  • I would recommend taking her to the Doctor and asking about getting her vitamins and minerals tested. It is possible for your little one to be deficent, even with a good diet. I had my little one tested and it has come back just as a virus. However, I do get Cold Sores from low Iron, Zinc and Vitamin C. It’s been to get on top of it now as it can become quite a problem, plus they do get really sore. Good Luck and I hope she feels better soon.

  • l-lysine supplements and paw paw cream in this house when they hit, they are horrible things

  • Not sure but I hope other mums can help you.

  • Poor little munchkin :( we didn’t have any trouble but try dabbing vegemite on the sores if you can’t get to a chemist soon. Ask the chemist, not the staff, what is suitable for a child at 2.5yrs old, hopefully little one is better soon.

  • Zinc tablets are a good protective to cold sores. I also used to put toothpaste on my son’s cold sore and seemed to help.

  • Poor thing, cold sores are not fun! I find L-lysine most effective for prevention, but not sure if it’s ok for young kids. I always have a big dose of it if I have an breakout too. Zinc also helps the healing.

    I find the nyal cream works better for me than zovirac. It is also a lot cheaper.

    Dabbing tea tree oil on the sore can help with the initial phase of healing.

    A big factor for me in getting cold sores is when my lips have had too much sun exposure. Maybe if you’re going to be out in the sun a lot try a sunscreen lip balm as well as the usual sun protection. All the best!

  • if your child gets them regualary or just seasonal, see your chemist about her taking L-Lysine tablets ( help increase her immunity against outbreaks). I would consult your doctor about creams and treatments, carmex, zovirax and some generic brand cold sore creams may suffice.

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