
I am trying to do some batch cooking and looking for easy but tasty meals to freeze. What is your favourite freezer meal?

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  • Cooked mince with pasta sauce,always make extra and freeze!

  • I find any pasta dish freezes and defrosts really well, so make extra for the freezer.

  • I buy a big bunch of silver beet. Cook up some brown rice, add the finely sliced silver beet, egg, cheese, salt and pepper. Mix it all up together. Place in a greased oven tray, cover in foil and bake approx 20-30 mins. This freezes so well, there’s no noticeable difference between fresh and frozen. Plus it’s delicious and healthy

  • Spag bol hands down. I also make up pizzas, wrap them well and freeze them for later use.

  • Curry, rendang, pizza base, casserole, braise meat.

  • Definately lasagna! Also I like to make a big batch of the meat sauce to use in other dishes -which are frozen separately.

  • I’m a single gal, so I’m always making larger batches to freeze leftovers. Because I’m disabled, I cook when my pain isn’t too bad, that way when it’s horrendous I’ve got something in the freezer that’s quick and easy :)

    I will always cook more brown rice than I need, and portion the leftovers into snack ziplock bags then pop them in the freezer. I tried freezing white rice, but brown reheats in the microwave better.

    Thai Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Soup freezes really well. Woolworths stocks a 400ml takeaway container that is great for single serves.

    Chilli Beef & Beans, Spanish Rice, Apricot Chicken, Fried Rice, & Vegetable & Barley Soup are the portioned meals in my freezer at the moment.

  • I can never go past bolognaise mince – I can reheat for spaghetti, to use in lasagne, over top of potato’s, or in sloppy joes! Its the most versatile freezable item I have.

  • My husband’s pasta sauce. He uses steak instead of mince and cooks it for hours until it breaks up through the sauce. Yum!

  • I make up a large pot of curry and also steamed rice which I then place in containers and freeze. They thaw out in the microwave and still taste great. Will keep for many months in your microwave.

  • Spagetti Bolognase

    Mac and cheese home made sauce

    ive even cooked up rice and forze it down just 1/2 cook the rice but.

    Ive always have quick meals in the freezer for just incase or the busy weeks cooming up.
    even roast meats so it just needs to be defrosted and add some salad and teas done.

  • spag bol, lasagna, pasta, chicken stew, beef stew, mash potatoes, pre made pizzas.
    i think most meals you cook can be frozen.

  • Lasagna or just pasta sauces frozen make a quick meal

  • I make big batches on soup, spaghetti sauces, stir fries the its just a matter of cooking rice/pasta and reheating. I also freeze raw meat,marinated/sauce and veges ready for the slow cooker, I find if I put everything in frozen it’s not over cooked when we get home.

  • Lasagne is our favourite, I generally make 2 large ones (one for now and one to freeze) but a handy tip is to make it more ‘wet’ otherwise it can become dry when you defrost and reheat.

    I also believe you can do meat and vegie packs raw and freeze and pull out and put into the slow cooker.

  • Bolognaise sauce. When I cook it, I prepare always more so I can freeze it. Sometimes I make an extra lasagna to freeze and even soup.

  • Any type of pasta with sauce; some meat based and some vegetable based. Quick and easy and keep well in the freezer. Handy for quick lunches and dinners.

  • One we love in our house is meatloaf mine is made with lots of veggies and I make a glaze to go over it that helps keep it nice con moist. I also make these in muffin tins and my daughter loves to take to school for lunch, or on dance nights they are great as something easy and fast before she goes.

  • I do this for my hubby, as we both work shift work and makes it so much easier having dinner prepared in the freezer – i tend to cook up with a Bolognaise, Veg & Meat Lasagne, or stir fry chicken or beef dishes. I also tend to do big soup batch ups as well, just for those days where you want to have something small to eat but don’t want to overdo it. I’ve found buying the chinese style containers for the markets to be far cheaper than say woolies etc (i think we paid about $15 and got over 50 containers and lids).

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