With my first pregnancy my first symptom was just feeling so very crashingly tired.
With my other two pregnancies I just felt very thristy.
I never had morning sickness.
With my son, I had sore breasts, metal taste in my mouth like a filling had fallen out, major mood swings for a week that scared even my partner and the morning and felt faint for the first 5 weeks. It was a surprise baby and I was on the pill and had skipped e sugar pills that month so it was only went morning sickness kicked in at 7 weeks did I think it was all adding up. This time, I’m craving olives at all times of the day, feeling famished at bed time and am exhausted/fatigued no matter how good a sleep I get. Nausea is starting to kick in and I’m just over 5 weeks…
With my son, 23yrs ago, I was sitting on the side of our pool just watching some relatives. They were trying to coax me in but I said I wasn’t feeling the best. It was like being see sick watching the water.
I didn’t realise I was pregnant cause I wasn’t really late as my cycle was all over the place having completed an unsucessful IVF Transfer 2 months earlier.
With my Daughter 14 yrs ago I fainted. Again I didn’t really realize I could be pregnant. It was a really hot day.
With my son I had nothing, just missed period, but I’m usually irregular and then I just didn’t feel quite right- not as much appetite at dinner and then I knew something was wrong when I was too tired to finish my usual run. I had already taken 2 failed tests at home, then another failed test at the doctors after this, but he ordered a blood test and that confirmed it! I was already 5 weeks!
I had implantation bleeding and my boobs were extremely sore! Few days before my period came I just knew I was pregnant and the day before my period I took a test and got a positive!
First pregnancy I had absolutely no idea I was pregnant until I was almost 3 months. Still had regular periods, etc. I ended up going to the doctor because my breasts were becomming sore and swollen, did a pee test, came back negative, did bloods, came back 11weeks + 5days.
Second pregnancy, morning sickness hit immediately, so I knew straight away at 2weeks.
Third pregnancy was identical to the second – morning sickness, immediately, but with this one, I was vomiting, morning noon and night, until 7 months.
Ovaries aching is my usually one. But it’s also a sign of period. My third child I tested the date I was due for my period as I felt like I was pregnant. And got a positive reading.
Cravings. Wired cravings. And large quantities of them. For example… chicken. Which by itself seems fine…. I craved an entire coles rotisserie chicken for lunch every single day. I would eat it at work with a fork. Prior to this I was a vegetarian and once again do not eat meat but yes insane quantities of chicken. And smuckers. That peanut butter and jelly in a jar. By the SPOONFUL. oh, and toasted cheese and tomato HOT CROSS BUNS! Yep. My body loves a pregnancy 🙂
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