
I’m currently breastfeeding my 4month old baby and no chances of stopping any time soon, but I’m looking to get a really good vegan (or lactose free as I’m lactose intolerant) protein shake that I can have while I’m breastfeeding so I can get back to losing this baby weight!

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  • The man or lady shakes have a good one.
    But you have a tiny baby. Dont diet. It is bad for both of you.

  • I wouldn’t be using a protein shake while I was breast feeding. Besides I though breast feeding helped you lose weight gained during pregnancy or at least tighten up tummy muscles as long as you drink plenty of water, eat protein enriched foods with lots of fruit and veggies.

  • If you’re breast feeding, don’t use any health supplements! At least consult your GP before you do. Honestly, babies only breast feed for a few months (most of them) I’m sure whatever you are planning can be delayed that long if it’s best for your baby

  • u should consult any dietitian

  • You should seek professional medical advice if thinking of changing your diet that drastically while breastfeeding. Diet changes can also affect the quality and taste of your milk. I was staying with a friend who literally ate one different ingredient. (no spices, heabs or food containing seeds) and her baby screamed even though he was burped and didn’t appear to be in pain. The only way either of us to get him asleep was to carry him around with his tummy against the front of our body. Every time we stopped walking and sat down he woke up and cried again. She tried an extra feed but he wasn’t interested, boiled water, extra nappy changes etc. but none of those things helped.

  • A GP may also be able to offer assistance with your question.

  • Maybe get some assistance from a dietician? They might be helpful- good luck!

  • I have no idea. You’ve not long given birth, you shouldn’t be so focussed on losing weight, especially when you’re still breast feeding. You need a wide variety of healthy food so your body can make the best milk possible for your child. Protein shakes I don’t think will do this

  • I use Amazonia Raw Slim and Tone in toffee truffle – it’s SoOoo good!
    It’s also so good to make smoothie bowls. Mix it in with a frozen banana, almond milk and some berries to get you going in the morning.

  • Sorry I wouldn’t advice to focus on losing baby weight when breastfeeding. Eat healthy, wide variety, wholosome and enough and make sure you move enough daily too and for the rest I would suggest to leave the scales in the cupboard and enjoy your baby.

  • Vegan lady shake

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