
had the iud out 3 months ago, trying when ovulating, not working. any ideas?

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  • Patience! It’s only been three months since the iud removal. It doesn’t happen straight away for a lot of people

  • I used a period app to track when I was supposed to be ovulating and also took ovulation tests when it indicated I was, just to make sure and I got pregnant our first try. I think the app I used was called Flo. I came off the pill, logged my periods for about 3 months and then started trying.

  • Maybe speak to your G.P. to investigate further.

  • it took me 4 and a half years of trying to fall pregnant with my second youngest, i ended up having a polyp in my uterus and having a lot of fertility testing, the next step was IUI then IVF, I decided that it was way too much money to justify for a maybe so we kind of changed out mindset to what ever happens happens and fell pregnant a couple of months later. Then my hubby went on the waiting list for a vasectomy (6 kids was enough) and bang (pardon the pun) I was preggers with baby number 7 (4th biological for me), so stop trying as such and start having fun, I know that isn’t as easy as it sounds but the mental side can be torture

  • Decrease your coffee consumption. Some studies, including one from the University of Nevada’s Faculty of Medicine, show that caffeine has a negative impact on women’s fertility. Caffeine will cause relaxation of the cells of the fallopian tubes muscles. The latter role is to transport the eggs to the uterus. The consumption of coffee would therefore affect their migration. For now, the studies do not specify how much would have a negative impact on fertility. Discuss with your doctor.

    Avoid alcohol Drinking alcohol is prohibited during pregnancy, but it should also be avoided, or at least diminished, when a couple tries to conceive a child. Drinking two to three glasses of alcohol a day significantly affects fertility for both women and men.

    Stay away from sources of stress Not all stressors are negative, far from it. However, there is a correlation between stress and infertility. To put the odds on your side, do not put yourself in stressful situations, or, if you can not avoid them, do you find ways or time to relax.

  • Sometimes you can rush your body

  • Clear Blue Ovulation Tester would help, you can get them between $30-$42. I would ovulate a couple of times a year if that and don’t know which months they were. I trialled a Clear Blue Ovulation Tester in July and fell pregnant that month. I miscarried but it helped me fall pregnant first go with the tester after trying for months. If you can afford it, it won’t hurt to try…

  • The quickest way to fall pregnant, also the most obvious way, is to have sex. Plain and simple. Of course, if you are having sex and also having issues falling pregnant, investigation might be needed

  • Stop having the mind set where you’re ‘trying’. Just stop taking precautions and have fun as a couple and it will happen- probably quicker than you expect. I tried ovulation kits but it was when I just stopped trying and thinking about it that it finally happened.

  • Suggest also doing blood tests at the doctor to double check all your levels are ok, you may have a particular deficiency that’s causing some issues but can be an easy fix.

  • Everyone is different. You don’t just get pregnant because you aren’t using birth control.

  • Just relax…

  • It will happen when your body is ready :)

  • Relax and give it a bit more time

  • It can take months / years!

  • Your body will take time to re adjust after having the iud out.

  • Keep track record of ur fertile days its 4 or 5 days great chances to get pregnant

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