
Who would like it if Mouths of Mums allowed us to respond to answers given to other mums if we agree with them like it was on the old website? Or even to be able to tick a liittle box as if to say we like the answer someone gave to a question. Just like you would do on facebook etc. I think Mouth of mums has improved but could just be that little bit better. Who else agrees?

A NOTE FROM MoM: We very much welcome your suggestions, there are always improvements that we can make, they might just take a little time to bring to life, but we very much value your input!


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  • Some of the stories on here now are so old some are back from 2013 so its hard to reply to any of them as its been a while

  • I miss a notification when someone replies on your comments, think that many replies go unnoticed by the one who made the comment.

  • It would be great to have a favourites/scrapbook button to remember recipes etc …

  • I had not thought about a like button to someones answer but does it matter if you like an answer or not?? so for me it does not really matter.

  • I like the changes. Everything is easy to find. I’d really like a MoM phone app as my kids are always on the laptop so I’m stuck with my phone

  • After getting use to the new site, finding out things have changed. Still getting use to it, maybe need to get on more and would.

  • Hi , I thought something like that was missing….Yes , I use the Likes/Dislikes button a lot as it also allows us to follow who votes what . That is one of the functions that is great in case you don’t really have much to say except yes/no… Thank you

  • MoM 94125 – Nikki has posted lots of delicious looking recipes over the past weeks. Some are simply sensational! Maybe take a look at the recipes section? 🙂

  • —–yeah i would love it if i was notified when i received a reply in the comments. sometimes you ask questions or people want to give you tips and you won’t know unless you stumble across it again. overall i am liking the new site for sure.

    —— I would also love a live chat section where you can just hang out and share whatever you like.

    ——A secrets/anon section where you can voice your real opinions or confessions without fear of backlash….No i don’t have something to get off my chest but i have seen this feature on another popular mummy site and it has gone crazy!

    —–Compilation or search feature for seeing what mums in your local area are doing. Mums can recommend products, services, parks etc. Basically tried and true, local mum knowledge

    —–More contribution from the people who bring us mom’s! I love this site so i would love to get a look at the team who bring us this site. –Spotlight the mom’s team for a month. Have a special “thing” for these founders. I would love to say thanks for all their hard work.

    —Like every month, Nikki Hills can bring us a delish recipe under $10 or show us how to make a decoration or something like that. a different team member every month or special member’s recipe/idea for the month.

  • I really love the new look.

  • I love the new look. The idea of the “like” is very nice. I would like to be able to “follow” a particular discussion. Or to “tag” someone to answer to something they said. I’m sure I lost comments made as an answer to mine, just because I wasn’t “tagged” so it’s very difficult for me to find out.

  • I love the new look and design and prefer to give answers with my opinion. I like to have the current option of liking recipes and arts and crafts but do not want it for questions, answers and stories. I love that this site is different from facebook and do no want similar functions of a ‘like’ button for questions, answers and stories. If I agree with a question, comment or story I put that in my response. Well done to the MoM team for a terrific new look! 🙂

  • It’s nice to be able to respond to a comment, but I think as an actual response not tick the box.

  • The new website is just different at first but you get use to it like anything! Love MouthofMums!

  • I love the website and the need to give longer answers, so much these days is just tick the box.

  • I love the whole site and love being part of the MoM community. I suggest making a scrapbook section where we can save our favourite recipes,articles and advise.

  • I like the idea of having a “Like” button.

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