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  • New clothing has dyes and chemicals on them and also you don’t know where the clothing has been stored or how it’s been handled. Always best to wash all new clothing.

  • Just to know that they are clean and ready to wear the dye could be present and with washing any excess will come out

  • Firstly because of excess dye on the garments but also to wash away other nasties that may be present

  • The chemicals that manufacturers put in clothes so that they do not wrinkle in the store, can be the cause for itching and rashes according to skin experts.
    The use of chemicals in clothing should be indicated on the label. But testing in New Zealand found that garments made in China contain up to 900 times more of those substances than the safety limit prescribes. The big bad one is formaldehyde, a colorless gas that is added to prevent the development of fungus and wrinkling of clothing. In addition to skin irritation, the substance can lead to cancer in the long term, according to scientists. Certain dyes may also cause skin irritation if you wear clothing for the first time.
    The solution is simple: wash your new clothes first once before you use them. If you are very sensitive to those dyes and quickly notice allergic reactions, then wash twice and rinse well is to be recommended.

  • It’s to wash off any nasty residue. Like clothes dye that can rub into the babies skin

  • To wash off any chemical residue that may be in the new fabric, theses can include but are not exclusively dyes. I have also heard to add a little vinegar to the wash too, to neutralise any chemicals that may be present.

  • Definitely wash before wearing. My Brother-in-law breaks out in hives if he doesn’t wash his new clothes before wearing….apparently they have formaldehyde in them.

  • the recommendation to was clothes before wearing them actually applies to most clothes even for adults. This is because some of the chemicals used to make them feel soft or stop them wrinkling during transport and in the store are actually quite toxic. I know that formaldehyde (a carcinogenic cellular fixative) is often used in clothing made overseas so I wash all clothes before wearing them just in case.

  • I wash the new clothes as I don’t know who has been coughing or sneezing on them in the shop and if I wash them I at least know it’s only stuff from our house on the clothes :)

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