
I am currently working as an LSO 2 days per week (for the last 6 years). I have been studying teaching since 2021 and am halfway through my Bachelor. I have 4 young boys, 9, 8, 4, 1. My partner wants me to focus on study next year and study full time (which I was able to do along with work before my last bub). However I feel so guilty. I LOVE my job and the people I work with. I do want to focus more on study but I am no longer able to stay up and study like I did previously.
The thing is if I finish in 2 years my youngest still wont be at school and I can only CRT on days he has Kinder (2 days) and I wont be paid holidays. Or I can continue working and study part time for an extra year or 2 until my youngest is in school! What would you do??

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  • I would prefer to have an income whilst studying, so I’d try both part time

  • If you could take leave from your job – ie not lose it – I’d say go for the full time study next year.

  • Thank you all so much for your reply’s! I am so stuck. But you have all made some good point to consider ????

  • I personally wouldn’t give up your job if you love it. Good jobs can be very hard to find. See if you can come up with another solution rather than leaving something you love doing.

  • Along with pros and cons when making a decision; look at all the variables.

  • Do an analysis Risks/benefits to get the facts

    However, you should only go with what your mind says as you are the one who needs to adjust to the changes

  • There are more variables now that you have children (particularly your youngest) than there was when you stayed up to study in 2021. Don’t give up your job if you love it and the people you work with – there are very few people who would say that about their work. If you feel that you can manage part-time uni, work and family life – thats great! You dont have to “focus on study” just become your partner thinks its right.

  • I understand that it could be such a dilemma, ultimately it’s your choice. Choose what you love and what is best for you as it would reflect on your family and kids as well.

  • I always write down the the pros and cons when deliberating; it is a useful tool.

  • That’s a tough one !
    Is that what your partner wants you to do (study full time) is what you want to do ?
    And why do you feel guilty ?
    Maybe write out the cost and benifits of the different choices and weigh them off

  • Do what makes you happy and will have the better impact for your family. If you have the opportunity financially to live off one income I would pick that. You’ll finish sooner and he able to focus on other areas of you life and pursue your career to the fullest.

  • LSO – Learning support officer (like a teachers aid)
    CRT – casual relief teacher

  • I have no idea what those acronyms are for so can’t help.

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