
My 6.5 month old little girl since learning to crawl is now pulling herself up and standing and then subsequently falling down and hitting her head on the carpet. It seems like this happens a lot. She’ll also bump her head when crawling sometimes. Part of me thinks this is normal, all babies must do this as they learn to crawl, stand and walk, but another part of me worries about her little head. Is this normal?


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  • When you are concerned about it you could talk about it with her gp or nurse.

  • Yes that’s normal. And my 6year old and 10year old still have a lot of bumps and bruises !!

  • It’s normal to worry. All you can do is protect her as much as possible. Have soft floor coverings, pad the sharp corners, make it so she can’t slam doors etc. believe it or not, babies are made tough!

  • Yes its normal as I used to get worried about sharp corners on tables etc so I covered them .

  • no, they are always banging themselves

  • yes normal, by this age thier heads are fused and strong enough to cope with normal bumps to the head. as long as she is only falling from her standing distance and bumpingit will be fine. if you have any sharp corners on furniture cover them other wise she will be fine.

  • You may have carpet, but don’t forget there is solid concrete underneath. unless you put carpet over a timber floor. You can get what is known as carpet burns on your skin.

  • Perfectly normal. My three sons had more head bumps than I care to remember. I found these excellent things on Ebay that you stick on corners to prevent injury from corners and add to doors to prevent fingers from getting banged. Also really handy clips to prevent curious little people from getting into cupboards. Easy to add on and remove.

  • hmm, very normal. I hope. my por bub has fallen off the bed, twice now…. he seems ok. they are tougher than we think

  • Completely normal! With ours we’ve found that if we don’t make a big deal out of every little bump they just pick themselves up and carry on — they certainly let us know if they’ve actually hurt themselves! They’re a lot tougher than we think!

  • Totally normal it has happen to me with my babies and it should ease.

  • i wouldn’t worry to much, i used to say my little one was made of rubber because he would always fall over and get back up!

  • I don’t know why, but bumps on the head are frequent with little ones, I wouldn’t worry about it as I guess they are designed to go through this stage

  • Totally normal, they will do this a lot. If your really worried get your GP to check her out.

  • My son is exactly the same! He always has bruises on his little head. I feel so bad but he is learning and I can’t wrap him in cotton wool – although I wish I could!

  • I actually asked this question at our GP. His response was its normal the only time you would need to worry is if they knock themsleves out.

  • Although its normal, its sad to see them fall and hurt themselves. As others have suggested, make sure your house is babyproofed to avoid some falls. Coffee tables could even be moved out of the way for a few months. Also grandparents houses, or other frequently visited places should have a bit of a check too.

  • It normal when they start out. Just safe guard the sharp corners and glas table tops!

  • my daughter did a lot of this and she is fine 🙂

  • It is very normal but try and safe guard your house for any sharp objects, furniture, things on the floor as they will do damage but I think the carpet fall is fine. You could always get a beanbag for soft landings.

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