
Hi fellow ladies – bubs is approaching 6 months and showing signs of being interested in foods (grabbing off of me when I’m eating and following spoon/fork movements). We’ve tried the classic banana, berries, yoghurt and kids porridge but whilst he grabs for it when he tries it he screws his face.

Any mum’s with similar experiences that could share their approaches or foods bub liked?

Thanks 🙂

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  • Rafferty’s was great – all my kids liked them, and it’s a really good company.

  • Both my bubs loved Rafferty’s and Heinz! Easy to just get from the supermarket and there’s such a big variety of flavour combinations.

  • My elderly mum said that she just cooked up and mashed veges like silverbeet, potato, carrots, any in season veges and added a small amount of vegemite for taste, then put into icecube containers and freeze so that you always have a healthy meal for bubs. I did this with my daughter and she has always eaten her veges, no fuss.

  • Bake pumpkin or boil/steam carrots and then pop it in a blender or smoothie maker. Easy and nutritious. Can pop some in little containers for whenever you need. My daughter never liked ‘kids porridge’ but absolutely loved her blended veggies and then fruit, we started with choppep up watermelon sticks but stayed on the blended veggies for a while before thicker mash veggies and fruit. Mango was also a huge hit once passed the blended food stage. But id only recommend that just before a bath!

  • puree apple

  • It’s all new to him, of course he’ll screw his face up. Don’t be deterred, keep offering food

  • I found that one of these Baby eating things work great, no idea what they are called. My Baby loved being able to hold it himself and was actually really fast to learn how to eat from it. I’ve put watermelon, banana, avocado, mashed sweet potato and all sorts of things in it for him. I also bought 3 more lol.

  • Keep trying with the foods you’ve already tried – sometimes it takes a few goes 🙂

    Other options we tried early on were sweet potato, avocado and other soft-cooked veggies. I’m not sure of the current guidelines, but scrambled eggs were a hit with my kids too.

  • My kids loved almost anything mixed with squished peas. And Rafferty’s was very popular if you want a commercial baby food.

  • We always did baby lead weaning so whatever we ate! Allergy foods and all just give them a bit of everything

  • Rice bubbles was always a hit with my daughter as well as roasted pumpkin mashed up and avocado mashed with some cream cheese.

  • Sometimes letting them touch it and get it on their hands helps. Messy I know but set up on a high chair table and let bub play with it and suck his/her fingers.

  • I’m having the same reaction with my 6 month old. Yesterday he tried red apple and made a face. Tonight he had baby rice cereal and screwed up his face. Then I put plain breastmilk on the spoon and he made the same face! I think it’s the adjustment to eating this way. He absolutely lunged at my iced latte and food so I know he’s interested. We got a nice high chair today so hopefully he’ll start getting used to this new routine. Good luck!!

  • The interest and experimenting with good is the first step. You could try baby-led weaning

  • Our children loved lots of well mashed vegetables. Of course supervision and observation with all foods and at meal times.

  • Baby lead weaning foods are good, or yoghurt, puree, etc in a pouch

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