
Does anyone have any great ideas on stocking fillers for a 3.5 and 2 year old?

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  • A hat that folds that’s ideal in car to shield eyes. An idea – not for the stocking- If your children love drawing some large sheets of plain paper. You may be able to find a roll of it and cut it into strips. My Dad bought a huge roll of paper from a Newspaper printer. If you go to a Fish & Chip shop regularly maybe they can tell you where they buy their white paper from. They may even offer to buy and sell you some. You can put pencils and markers in the stocking. Make sure the markers are labelled “Washable” so it will wash out of clothing, off vinyl or floorboards, wall, painted furniture. Small toys. My Mum used to put in new knickers, socks etc. – things we needed that filled it up. We were given small stocking compared to what a lot of kids get now. Maybe Bubble Bath – but sure it is sealed and they can’t open it.

  • I got my girls some jewellery that was marked down to 50cents a pack at kmart, its adult jewellery like necklases and bracelets but I thought they would love them and great for dress ups and imagination play. And for my boys I got them some hotwheels cars and got both candy and stickers, haven’t finished filling them yet but hopefully I gave you an idea.

  • Some Little People? They are nice big and very strong. They will last for ages…

  • My son is three and he absolute loves peppa pig and most kids do so that would be a great idea!

  • I tend to go for little things that are either super useful or consumable.
    New toothbrush, drink bottle, stickers, pencils, little snow globe, something they collect.

  • Matchbox cars, bubbles, stationery, socks, knickers/jocks, hair accessories. Just a few ideas 🙂

  • We did
    Pencils and cups
    Hats and shorts
    And the biscuits they love
    As not allowed lollies due to medical reasons.
    Shovels and buckets for the sandpit.
    Depends on how big the stocking is

  • Lollies, pencils, socks, little toys, I just put little things in my kids ones like from a $2 shop..

  • You have already received some very good suggestions. If your child is old enough sun glasses are a good idea.

  • Thanks for the ideas ladies! 🙂

  • In Big W they have like a party stuffer section(hope that makes sense) the items are like water pistols, bouncy balls, slinkys etc..I think they are $1 or $2 we use these for our kids..Handballs are good, soccer balls anything for the water, puzzles etc..hope this helps..

  • Books, little craft kits, play dough tubs, beach buckets/spades, bath toys, frisbee, socks (my kids love getting socks, but not sure if all kids do!) We often do things they need – like new bathers or a hat or whatever. All the best!

  • Boys – Matchbox or Hot Wheel cars, Trains, Planes
    Girls – Crowns, Wands, Hair Accessories,
    Both – Bouncy balls that light up, Bath toys, Stationery ie Rocket pens, Windup toys

  • My kids loved bubble blowers, stickers and hair accessories.

  • for my 2 I did thing like mini books, bubbles, stickers, colour pencils and a little book, matchbox cars. Check out the cheap stores in the toy/ party section or in the toy isle of your local supermarket. They have little items that are great for stocking fillers.

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