If yes when should I be taking it?

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  • Ask your gp/doctor or midwife if you want to be certain

  • My midwife recommended this in the last month it helps the cervix to loosen or something.

  • I wouldn’t take anything that I hadn’t discussed with the Dr.

  • I would seek medical advice if you are unsure.

  • I don’t think it’s necessary to take it

  • I could not keep anything down – so unable to take anything like that!

  • I started taking it when they consider you to be full term – around 37 weeks. am not sure if it helped or not. But I had a super quick birth!

  • Evening Primrose Oil can bring on labour. My advice – do not use it unless you want to bring on labour

  • I had never heard of this before! What do you normally use it for?

  • Fir what reason would you be considering taking evening primrose oil for labour? This us unheard if to me

  • I have never heard of this before – any reason why you would take it? My OB never mentioned it to me

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