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I have a four year old son who is autistic. He was diagnosed earlier this year.. So the past few years i knew something wasnt quite right, but brushed it off as him developing at a different time than others.
This diagnosis has made us stronger as a family, growing and supporting eachother to the best of our ability. My son is the one who has to live with this issue, so the only thing i can do as a parent is try to exhaust all services that are available to get him up to par with the rest of the kids his age. Its going to be a mission, but im halfway their already. He is going to one of the best ESC schools in my state and has occupational and speech therapists assisting as well. This little boy of mine, will not be a victim, he will be my little survivor!
Posted by missmilf09, 17th October 2013
mom113055 said
- 03 May 2015
mom57522 said
- 08 Jan 2015
missmilf09 said
- 22 Oct 2013
susieq63 said
- 18 Oct 2013
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